Licensed Shitposter

My life in the depths of the internet has been long and tiring. My free-time profession as a professional shitposter didn’t make it any easier. Quite contrary. The hate and discrimination against my guild has always been a hard fight, but in retroperspective, it has been worth it.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


The amount of tattoo lets you estimate how schizo she is.

Humans have spread around the world, like a disease. We are by far the worst.

We displace native species all around the world. Therefore Humans ancestors must be Asian.

I got banned on Reddit for arguing that I am for a rational perception of the world. In a civil argument I stated that claiming that a trans woman is a real women is irrational, emotional and ideological. someone asked why people are transphobic and I answered why I am „transphobic“.

I assume that I got mass reported and then I got banned for harassment.

Maybe I became a little insensitive, but why sugarcoat everything? Words can hurt, especially if they are true.

That sucks.

But we still have to endure. I think world politics is a yo-yo and sometimes someone pulls or pushes too strong and then it starts to bounce up and down - from left to right - way too far. Currently world politics is on the left side. But eventually it will switch back. People are always unhappy. Always striving for something better. And in constant unhappiness, they will constantly change the path back and forth. In the big picture it just takes time.

I actually adapted back when it started with censoring conservatives. I just went with the flow and had my fun with the lefties. Most of them, are good people after all, just a little sensitive, but now my beloved App was taken from me. And there is no way to adapt to that. :/

I don’t think you should ban them. Banning and shutting someone down are their methods. We do not need safespaces. We are no snowflakes.

There is nothing more boring than an echo chamber. I like the conflict.

There shouldn’t be drag shows for children and there should‘t be murder.