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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


We need actual Nostr applications that aren’t twitter clones, or hybrids between Twitter and Reddit. Amethyst app is essentially just that, a partial hybrid between Twitter and Reddit, it does have communities but it lacks plenty of other features necessary for the forum experience.

Federation is just a tool to make sanitized spaces but claim that they aren’t censoring anyone, when they in fact are. They’re perfect for creating sanitized leftist “utopian” spaces, and atrocious for freedom.

The idea of Nostr with full decentralization is a good one, the only problem though is that currently it’s a Twitter type format and even though it added communities it still doesn’t have any kind of frontend to access it like a forum, the ones that do are just hacks using hashtags as communites, which they are not, hashtags aren’t communities and they aren’t like communities. We need something equivalent to Lemmy but for Nostr.

I did too, multiple times. Tor is very effective at breaking whatever systems they use for ban evasion detection. Though after the 17th account I didn’t return because Reddit expects people to talk like a cuck and kiss up to troons, even though they’re insane.

Lemmy wasn’t made for decentralization, anyone who says that is a liar, it was made for tyrants to create their own sanitized space for members of their cults to get together.

Still though it’s the best we have until Nostr officially has widespread support for Communities and has a Decent Reddit style frontend. At the current time it isn’t really viable due to the fact it’s currently a Twitter clone that doesn’t facilitate this kind of discussion thread content.

Also No, Hashtags aren’t communities, they are the equivalent of post or comment flairs and trying to use them as a community gives a very messy and cluttered feeling.

Not sure, I only usually hang out here and on Rammy, though of late only here, some libtard fucker ended up hacking the person who created all those communities over there on Rammy (also everyone else defederated the instance) so RIP

Does it have communities? It seems like it was being pushed as a twitter replacement I’m not a fan of the Twitter style, I like having communities like Reddit or Lemmy (just without the lefty bullshit).

I will definitely check that out, hopefully we can get people to use it though after all a standard only works if you can get people to use it.

Lol I just checked back and Shit just woke just shat the bed. It’s not working any more, So much for the “Just works” slogan lmao.

Absolutely. Federated is the future, I don’t think Gab wants in on it though, they pulled the plug on federation after being de-federated proving that they actually didn’t care about federation and only wanted to spread on other platforms. When you really care about Federation you keep the door open for your neighbors so they can talk to you as opposed to closing down when the ultra lefty equivalent of Twitter de-federates you.

Why would there mothers be trying to actively sabotage their chances of reproducing?

In more ways than one as well (they encourage castration too) It’s is so weird and counterproductive, I don’t understand why anyone would do that. Are they trying to bring about the downfall of humanity or something?

To them ‘Nazis’ is anyone slightly to the right of them and anyone who would dare call them out for pushing their agendas, on children no less. They know deep down that they’re in the wrong, not us, which is why they’re so reactive and loud about it.

They probably also think that we’re just magically going to stop existing if they de-federate from us and anyone connected to us, we’ll still be here though, they’re not getting rid of us, they’re just doing the Fediverse equivalent of covering their ears and shouting LAH LAH LAH so they can’t hear us.

I’ve heard that many leftists are avid supporters of grooming, especially forcing their kids to attend drag shows, or trying to make them (boys) wear dresses to be “inclusive” (happened in UK schools).

On top of that there’s the whole push to convince boys that they’re girls and try to turn them into girls by mutilating them either surgically or chemically.

Nah they’re still giant pieces of shit, I only left there recently (or I guess I just didn’t make a new account when the final one was banned) Reddit’s core issue is both a user problem and a policy problem, by policy they support groomers and hardcore lefties, unless that ever changes they’re not really going to be much better, since they’re set up as a safe space for people like that.

At least we have exploding-heads, would be nice if we had more users though. Hopefully we can get more instances to join the right side of the fediverse and federate with us, and not those cucks on the left.

Well we do, like can’t use racial slurs but that’s actually pretty reasonable. You can still talk about issues involving racial issues I think it’s better to say no slurs since it fosters more intelligent discussion as opposed to people just spamming slurs.

I just read the post it’s really funny that they think that real climate science and a community dedicated to saying no to groomers is “Nazi bs” shows just how stupid and woke those losers are.

Damn that’s crazy… How can someone live like that? I guess they technically can’t but how was she alive for this long?

Vegans are a disgusting disgrace to humanity, we literally evolved to eat meat what do you think our canines and premolars are for if not to eat meat. Yet these dumbasses are trying to say it’s somehow better for us to eat plants.