• 7 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Feb 25, 2023


Don’t trust Haley she is a total deep state fraud. I only watched a little and Burgum did come across well.

Interesting, you’re right there was not white nationalist content on there when he first took over. Which leads me to believe the deep state, CIA, feds, are the ones posting that content. 100%.

Yes - my part Italian heritage of Mario Andretti comes through on the interstate or any road where I can pass and drive insane, never been in a wreck. Although as I get older I’ve noticed my reflexes are slowing so I am slowing my speed too as I did have a near death experience. So I drive more in the right lane and dude some people are really attracted to my rear end!

Facebook lawsuit settlement
August 25 is the deadline to sign up for this class action lawsuit. Apparently a settlement has been reached. Though I don't expect to receive much if any money for a long time if ever, hopefully it will hurt Facebook, so please sign up.

If you care to read up on it, the article displays in my opinion, a lack of understanding or denial of Disney's situation. Their movies are flop after flop, their Disney+ subscribers are going down the tank, and I'm sure their parks will start to suffer too. They will go down with this woke ship before they ever admit they are wrong.

The elite must really love it because its nice and warm in the summer house in the Hamptons and then nice and warm in the winter months at their ritzy beach front in Florida.

I really hope we can send more and more black people to San Fran. Let them have them all.

I love bringing in lots of hispanics so eventually the democrats will go full genocide on the blacks as they are bound to get sick of trying to appease them. You never can.

I saw this somewhere and the comment was “Elon to pay Trump’s legal defense” lol

Now that I have a wife, a house, even kids in college… and see this comment. I had goals, I achieved goals. i have no new goals. Maybe I need new goals. I suppose retirement was/is a goal. I think you can be content without goals. Like, I recently got chickens for my backyard and between the chickens and vegetable gardening, I am content. I enjoy the eggs, the fruit of my labor. But I don’t have a “goal” to get 3 pounds of tomatoes, or 4 eggs a day, or anything like that.

But many people have no contentment and no goals. I think you need one or the other or both.

I’m glad this site is still here
I've been busy and haven't been coming on. I miss wolfballs but this is better than nothing. I need to visit more and post more stuff too.

I looked up her salary - almost $450,000 per year. Almost any human in the country could have done a better job for a lower salary.

I don’t like the GOP stance on Trans people
I may be wrong on what that stance is. But it seems to me that everything I hear from the GOP and from social media "conservatives" are things like "I don't care what people do just don't teach it to children". or "People can do what they want and be what they want but don't force me to use your pronouns". Basically very libertarian things. My view is trans people are severely mentally ill and thus the high violence rate (suicide but also assaults and mass shootings). I think all trans people should be in mental institutions and not freely roaming society.

Surely she means black coffee. If you add milk and especially sugar, I’m sure the teeth will be affected. Be a man and drink coffee black!