• 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Feb 07, 2023


donky.social registrations are still not open because things like the CSAM spamming on lemmy.world

Alice made an EH matrix but I was unable to join because I “was not invited”

My idea for conntact was to have lets say an email list where if Kapow decides to reopen EH to be able to tell us all or I decide to open my instance to be able to tell y’all

Before it all goeas away
For those who are not going to migrate to nostr: Would you like to exchange some other way of communication? Email, matrix, session. Whatever it is. If we evere decide to rebuild the community on lemmy or something like that.

Don’t forget to save your private key. It is your “registration”

How did you host yours? What software did you use? Did you open a channel to someone or did someone opened a channel to you?

If you want to grow your relay look at lightningnetwork.plus

I am trying to set up a lightning node but I can’t get it to recieve transactions. I can send sats but cannot recieve. It might be a Wallet of Satoshi issue but I am not sure since it doesn’t give any logs.

Decided to try iris and it deleted all my group chats in nostr. Can you remind me what the EH chat public key is?

About that “ddos attacks vulnerability”. It was cross site scripting vulnerability and as it seems they have updated now

New conspiracy: Gov Chris Christie is Alice which is one of Kapow’s alts.

Kapow (aka Alice(aka gov Christie)) has been planing the shut down for months and a week ago he asked the community to see if anyone would complain

Now I can no longer reply “Go back to pelbbit” on 4chan :-(

My disapointment is immesurable and my day is ruined

Well there were some children so yes, there are some singles.

Also what are they doing?

If you say you are south african why not

(I am also interested to know for a friend)

I think it must be implemented in the backend to work. Open an issue about it on Lemmy’s GitHub

  1. Why is the speed limit so low. I see no reason to forbbid driving under 85mph. In Bulgaria it is the speed limit and there aren’t many incidents that are caused by high speed here and it’s pretty fast.

  2. There are a lot of people who don’t deserve a license.

  3. There are a lot of people who drive too slow. 10-12mph under the limit. There should be a lower limit.

A lot of zoomers have really low attention span. People put some random extra satisfying video under the main video just to keep those zoom zooms on the screen

I think he is training now. There was astory about him losing weight

Rn it’s also the same temp but last week it was impossible to get out of the hous since it was 36-38°C

Was it shit just work or lemmy.world where the users vote who they want to defederate from? One of the mod teams didn’t want to defed I think

Host your own instances
Since EH is getting DDOSed it is finally time to tell you that you should enrich the fediverse by making your own instance. Requirements: - Spare computer or an old android phone - Domain Things that might be useful: - Static IP - Ability to port forward - Ability to use navigate trough the terminal on Linux If you can use linux just follow the instructions [here](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/administration.html). If you can't use it I can help you set it up or directly set it up for you. Edit: yes, I do have my own instance, but since there was a XSS vulnerability recently and I cannot update it, I am not running it

Kapow account compromised?
Hey guys, Recently I noticed that there has been this community called !x7finance. Obvious advertising community which is against the rules. Today the community !cultdao has been made and there Kapow has made several posts which are also obviously advertisements. Kapow himself has made normal posts after the cult dao posts so I don't know... What do you think? It is kind of worrying.