A government hating, free market loving, gun toting libertarian mainiac!

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Nah, to gay for my taste. Way to many crypto fags and its waaaayy to twitter like.

I’m planning on making a modern looking forum called paradise. Maybe move over there?

No, its an entirety different system that has its own way of handling accounts. Just pick an app and register!

Already got glared at by math prof. For wearing a don’t tread on me hat lol.

Community to get my associate then uni for bachelor’s or masters.

today is my first day of college!
Wish me luck people! I'm both excited and nervous!

why EH? just why did you have to move.
If it wasint apparent already, I dislike nostr. Why? The crypto fags, plain and simple, get rid of the zap and add an actual anonymous tipping system and you'll see them dissipate into thin air with no "mah cwipto!!!" To wank off to. We need to find a app or protocol like nostr but without the crypto. Please.

Nothing! Its insanity! Look at the comments you’ll see people saying how horrible it is then look at their profile and they say they support abortion.

Sending prayers my dude. My dad used to weigh 400lbs but once he started working out on an empty stomach, and battling the sickness that came with it, he dropped to 240. Sense you way 300, I’d say give that a shot. Wake up, don’t eat and go to the gym, you’re body will use the fat stored up as energy and you’ll burn it a lot quicker. The trick is that after, have a low calorie meal and a protein shake. Keep that up and I’m sure you’ll get you’re desired weight! If my 400lb dad could do it, so can you!

Amen brother! Recently started going back to church after years of inactivity, and it feels so good being back in the house of the lord!

Just encountered some idiots on a post I don’t even remember what about.

are the wokies invading EH?
Been seeing a lot of retarded shit in the comments lately.

The gene pool is stagnant, and I shall be the administer of chlorine!!

Thats our girl!! Bro actually went and trolled the ex CEO of titter! Alice, the darling of EH. NICE!

I’m planning on enlisting for the military cyber division but if that doesn’t work out then will do!

Beaten postal on Heston world difficulty. Its fucking brutal! You go from the madman shooting up the town to a normal person trying to defend again against a town gone mad!

I’m broke as fuck and mad (a rant)
So I left my last job due to verbal abuse and threats, and now they won't pay me my 1k they owe me. Because of that I can't pay off my college tuition and have to beg my patents. No one will hire me either as I've applied to now over 30 9-5 jobs with no success. No idea what I'm gonna do and I'm fucking panicked because I don't need thousands in debt when I'm 19.

From the sound of it, ADHD. I have it as well and have the same “sleep myself awake” problem right now to. Don’t have any meds right now so it’s hell.

Could also be crank tho.

For context this is a post about a guy that wore a gimp suit to a public event with kids. (No, it was not me)

then they prolly turn right back around and defend drag in public.

I can’t take nostr any more!!!
Holy fuck its just crypto fags wanking each other off saying how good bitcoin is and that "its the future!!" I love the idea of a tip system like zaps, and would love to see something like that in Lemmy. But holy fuck the obsession with it is INSANE!!! I've only spent a few days there and I already want out. Don't go to nostr right now, its all bots and crypto.

I’ve made posts about mine, tldr:

Spoke my mind about topics I disagree on, showed my proof, my own personal stories, and had an open mind for debate. NOPE! was. Called a monster and that I didnt care about human lives!.. We were talking about abortion.

I’ve learned first hand that yes, suffering does make us stronger and better. So buy removing that, you are essentially creating weak people with no direction in life other than pleasure. Sense there is no suffering, there will be no growth, society will become stagnant and boring, with anyone who goes against “no unwanted suffering!!” Being exiled.

I now know that liberalism is a cult, they don’t care about you if you don’t reinforce the walls of the echo chamber. To them we are less then human.

Talked about how I’m anti abortion, not because of religious reasons (which they immediately jumped to) but because I wanna give children the same shot at life I have! I’m a micro preemy and the doc told my parents to abort. They didnt and I’m so grateful because here I am! But of course I was just called a self centered pos and a monster.

why does it feel like I moved from one echo chamber to another?
Created an account on one of the main instances, and immediately the second I post my own thoughts on politics BAM! comment removed and I'm blocked from the politics community. I've moved from one idiot cesspool to another haven't i?