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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I actually tried vegan. I lasted less than 2 weeks. I believe you that a plant based diet can be complete but the issue is you need to invest a lot of time and plan out literally every meal. And you need to do it from day one or you will take damage (e.g. calcium loss). A normal diet with meat, by contrast, you will end up getting enough of what you need almost by accident. No planning needed, no fear of a catastrophic mistake.

If people really want vegan to take off then STFU about morals and all that and make some sort of easy-mode meals. I mean like “monday breakfast, monday snack, monday lunch, etc.” so people too lazy or who don’t have the time literally can’t screw it up.

This is not a safe space for them. Wokies are basically grown up children so the only schtick they know is going to authority and asking for people they don’t like to be censored. After all their attempts at that fail, they’ll leave.

Ok, so lots of animals come in at around 1 billion heart beats. But humans are at least 2 to 3 times that and several other animals even more. So it’s not a lie out of whole cloth but it’s misleading. And what you mention is a key point: if you’re in good shape you’ll have a lower resting heart rate, which would be even at worst. And that’s just counting heart beats, but being fit adds loads of advantages in all aspects of your health.

Are they really saying the left are a bunch of fat slobs? I mean, I thought fags were all about the bodies. Are they right wingers now? In which case, welcome faggots, er, homosexual humans.

wtf? I know science surrounding human biology isn’t great, but we know enough to disprove this old “same heart beat across all known species” yarn decades ago. Jogging isn’t going to do much for you unless you’re extremely out of shame but every few grams of muscle you add makes you literally harder to kill.

Don’t get so upset with defed and trolls. The reason we need this place is that the fascists will not tolerate free speech, so of course they’re going to drop any place that does and call us nazis. It’s the only trick they know.

They’re claiming that reddit was too lax. I’m not joking.

Hear hear, solid rant. Kids these days don’t want to learn that you get nothing except through hard work.

The funny part is, people like Jeff Bezos loves this racial fighting. He flew a bunch of rich white people into space and then came back down and talked about “privilege”. Clearly he wants us plebs to fight amongst each other for the scraps instead of asking why he needs a 100 billion dollars.

Oh my, whites have been pwned by having it thrown back in their face… except no one would care even a little bit if this really happened.

All green energy seems to be scams, this guy was just too smelly I guess.

It’s not a phobia. An actual phobia is a fear you know isn’t even rational but your body does it and you can’t stop it. This applies to literally none of this. Gay/Trans are just annoying because they claim to want equality but what they want is to be a star.

You want equality? Here is equality: if I don’t know you I don’t care about you or what happens to you, so just STFU. I’m not going to knock on your door an ask if gay/trans/whatever. Don’t make me constantly hear about it. Just melt into the other billions of don’t know/don’t care.

Joe Rogan is not right… he was always a lefty. So the madness has gone so far people who identify as left wing and have all their lives find themselves labeled right even on graphics like this. He’s labeled “alt right” by the “progressives” as well.

You mean it’s most of the bots and call centres on the internet. Conservatives are the majority in the US and probably most of the western world.

Exactly. “phobic” means afraid of something. What they actually mean is that people who have some issue with homosexuals are secretly afraid that they’re homosexual themselves. When you realize that then “transphobic” makes even less sense as a word.

I might be “snake-phobic” but I have no fear that i might start slithering around on the ground.

So… it was a Pedo is what we’re talking about… we’re letting pedos get naked in front of kids?

Horrific video? I guess these people have never seen an actual cartel video. This wasn’t convincing at all, maybe crime really has improved in mexico.

It wouldn’t last long. Musk is from South Africa and has probably been in multiple deadly situations. Zuck is a little bitch.