i dont really give two fucks what you think


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


i don’t approve of racial epithets, but white folks dont go around calling each other CRACKER all the time, unlike the other side of the pigmentation spectrum. clean your own house up.

damn… already taken down. :( oh that the old one from a coupla years ago sits on the back and the cart pops a wheelie (with two adults sitting in the front of it.)

This site is new for me… thank you for sharing… absolutely hilarious.

he had to try and make himself relevant to the paparazzi again… but who the fuck cares.

it’s hard to respect someone that wants to debate in a walled garden echo chamber where all their mates circlejerk and brigade. funny how they create their own space and they become the authoritarians and fascist. …just like in portland…

if in your residence, have at it. if in public, no more than 2.5 oz in california. just carry 3 or 4 of 'em. 😂

i love how they tell the populace to put themselves behind bars, instead of the goddamn criminals.

some man babykin will want to rub his dick in the poo and discover a wallet and keys

nah… cuban missle crisis was much closer. General Curtis LeMay was a war monger… ran Strat Air Command. i never realized it until reading a book or two and watching a few documentaries.

Cuban Missile Crisis

General LeMay conversed with President Kennedy at the Oval Office, White House in October 1962.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, LeMay clashed again with U.S. President John F. Kennedy and Defense Secretary McNamara, arguing that he should be allowed to bomb nuclear missile sites in Cuba. He opposed the naval blockade and, after the end of the crisis, suggested that Cuba be invaded anyway, even after the Soviets agreed to withdraw their missiles. Kennedy refused LeMay’s requests, and the naval blockade was successful.[31] --wikipedia

In fact Dr. Strangelove was a satirical movie based on this period of time.

To rebut early 1960s novels and Hollywood films like Fail-Safe and Dr. Strangelove, which raised questions about US control over nuclear weapons, the Air Force produced a documentary film, SAC Command Post, to demonstrate its responsiveness to presidential command and its tight control over nuclear weapons.[67] However, later academic research into declassified documents showed that U.S. military commanders had been given presidentially-authorized pre-delegation for the use of nuclear weapons during the early Cold War, showing ** that this aspect of the film’s plot was plausible.[68]

The characters of Buck Turgidson and Jack Ripper both satirize the real-life Gen. Curtis LeMay of the Strategic Air Command.[69]

A real life war monger had the authority and capability. Very scary.

im with ya… and my dog, boner. he likes to hump long distance cyclists in their tight britches.

  • Alberto “The Groomer” Silano
  • Peter “The Pedo” Pelosi
  • Maria “Adams Apple” Ballerini
  • Mikey “No Job” Valentino
  • Harry “Hormone Therapy” Pepe
  • Massimo “Your Money” Manzo
  • Vittorio “Van Camper” De la Rivero
  • Neroli “No Fault” Corrente

i used to mastodon on lemmy behind the kbin when the sky was misskey. then we got caught by the fediverse and i had to do community services

i asked chatgpt to translate and it crashed. either that or the closed starbucks wifi im using is having issues

do you know the 5 year olds? or just roll up and celebrate, like in the bushes.

he needs weed in his life… then buy a good whore for $25 bux. She might smell funny, so rub vicks vapor rub under yer nose.