
i-liek-french-toast here. made 2nd account cuz my old one was original u/ihatetroons and that part doesnt get renamed.

figured this plus a slightly less offensive avatar would be better for when i make comments on other instances. Might switch over to this one as main. might not. will see

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 13, 2023

What do you guys think about “LGB minus T” / Gays Against Groomers / etc?
What you guys think about lesbian/gay/bi groups like Gays Against Groomers that are against grooming? I only learned of them recently and saw things like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCkId7kAqkk For me, I am straight. There have been lgbt individuals i find annoying but I never really had any issuefrom a human rights perspective with lgbt as a group existing. It's all the woke stuff like the made up "trans rights" bs, pronoun nonsense, and pedo crap that I am against. So when I see groups like Gays Against Groomers, it makes me feel little bit more respect for LGB as a group, especially given how many woke tards are out there, amd I would rather have more people against woke crap regardless of if they are the same as me or not. I still not really pro-trans but not like I want them dead, just wish they behaved more like thai ladyboys and less like woke shitheads. I think there are probably people from multiple schools of thought here but just curious how the rest of EH sees things.