I very much dislike troons mostly bc

  1. (((certain people))) keep trying to normalize them
  2. they expect us to buy in to their delusions
  3. they bitch if we don’t memorize and use their soynouns
  4. loud and annoying
  5. they infiltrate and co-opt communities
  • 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


fwiw, we got a quasi-reddit like sub on nostr here: https://satellite.earth/n/explodingheads (mostly just people from here but you do get some crypto bots still if going thru browser than than app using MOB’s relay but no human crypto fags as long as you stay in the sub. but gotta be honest - the UI is complete shit compared to lemmy or reddit). not expecting that’ll change anybody’s mind, just figured i’d mention tho

Anyway, got plans for where you going instead? Ive made accoutns at a few places like gab and have been hopping around a few places. not much on lemmy… EH has spoiled tf out of me for wanting free speech again. but just curious if there’s any more good places i missed 😃

excellent point. it probably was closer to this originally based on how my freind described it

can fuck up your spine on any of them. i see people mess up their neck especially on phone/tablet, laptop, and desktop

wish i had known what ‘ergonomics’ was before i spent my career on a computer messing mine up

but yeah, i like bigger screens too 😉

thanks, not sure about Alice but you encouraged me to get off my ass and make my bed, even if it wasn’t the first thing

yeah that part wasn’t so great. i guess the thing I liked about her was pointing out the limitations of what the position of president can actually do. I feel like a lot of the debate is basically what amounts to “I’m for this” but realistically if you had house or senate packed with dems, then a republican pres would still be pretty limited. was just refreshing to see someone actualy acknowledge that i guess.

But like I said, wasn’t my 1st or 2nd pick or anything.

For anybody else that watched all or part of the debate: thoughts?
I think I still prefer Trump and DeSantis is probably still my second pick. I don't really trust Vivek cuz he seemed to duck out on a straight answer to the 2A question. Since I'm a bit of 2A fanatic that was a major red flag (pun intended). Probably didn't help that I saw something online earlier about him having taken Soros money for business school. I went in not knowing jack shit about most of the others but especially unknown to me were Nikki Haley, Asa Hutchinson, Tim Scott, and Doug Burgum. Fuck; I probably wouldn't even have known who Christie was either if it wasn't for Alice making fun of him all over here lol. Don't think I'm a fan of Hutchinson at all. Was kinda surprised that I mostly liked a lot of Haley and Burgum's points. Not sure I agreed about Ukraine/Israel but she did make some fair points even on that. But if Trump and DeSantis weren't there, I'd consider them. Still wish my boy Josh Hawley had run tho

Somewhat cleanish source for 2024 Republican Debate (and offline backup instructions)
Not a huge fan of fox but everything else I saw on youtube on searching either had some streamer fags, wasn't the actual debate shit, was some other live stream that had other bullshit on the screen etc. If anybody has a better source, feel free to link to it cuz apparently i'm a retard and can't find it. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6335464873112 ---- BEGINNING NERD SHIT - YOU'VE BEEN WARNED This is the command I used to grab an offline copy in Linux (assumes you have `yt-dlp` and `ffmpeg` installed): yt-dlp -i -f bestvideo+bestaudio/best -S res:720 \ -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s' --progress \ --windows-filenames --trim-filenames 140 --restrict-filenames \ --no-warnings --prefer-free-formats --merge-output-format mkv \ https://www.foxnews.com/video/6335464873112 For me, it took a little over 15 minutes (cuz vpn) and I ended up with a 1.4 GB mkv file. You will probably need at least 2-3x that much free space for temp files but it cleans those up when done. If you want more/less resolution, try changing `-S res:720` to `-S res:1080` or `-S res:480` or whatever. If they have that res, then it should work. Why would you *want* an offline copy? Maybe you want to take screens or run it thru `mkv-merge-gui` and grab meme clips. Maybe you want to be able to jerk off to Christie. Or you just like archiving shit. How tf should I know. All the tools I used are open-source and should have windows ports. I don't use windows/mac but the commands should work the same on either. android and ios i have no fucking idea, sorry.

lol. no, this was just something i threw together while trolling that one ai bot on satellite earth and figured i’d share

yeah, totally get this. replace ‘phone’ with ‘computer’ and ‘sad’ with ‘bored’ and you could be talking about me too.

some advice i got secondhand from a fren’s therapist was to try to do at least one thing different from your normal routine everyday just to break established patterns. drive a different route, exercise, clean something you don’t have to, try something new for dinner, reach out to a buddy or relative you haven’t talked to in a bit, whatever. friend had been going thru depression when he got the advice but i tihnk its good regardless. i just need to kick myself in the ass and actually follow it lol

i listened to one of the jordan peterson audiobooks last year and it had some similar stuff in there. i think one of the examples was if you had let your paperwork pile up and were overwhelmed by the task, then start off with 1 or 2, just do some small piece and force yourself to come back to it and keep doing small pieces. probably can be adapted to a lot of stuff but my brain is shutting down for the day and can’t really think

another friend swears by getting a dog. i’ve thought about doing that too. if you actually take them out to dog parks, exercise, etc could even add to social aspect. i like big dogs but am horribly lazy. especially since i’d probably want a retired police dog or something similar

I asked 100 trans people…
I asked 100 trans people what supports them the best. 5% said their co-workers. 10% said their friends. 15% said their parents. 20% said their partner. The rest didn't say anything and just hung around.

if you use it from the browser, it’s pretty easy as long as you save a copy of your private key somewhere (websites will offer to create it for you). if you lose it, then its equivalent to forgetting your password, except there’s no password reset - basically you’d just have to create a new account.

this is the one that is a little closer to lemmy/reddit: https://satellite.earth/n/explodingheads/npub1wg6u23gjc2y33fxukr284fy8p8lw7hztu30gtat89nwy4x3j4pcsh0xxwc

this is the one thats a little closer to a discord/irc chatroom: https://www.nostrchat.io/channel/08642dad6729819cc79650d18b93c5c913362f17f0160b57bc3603345d6658e3

haven’t used it from apps, so can’t comment there.

im good, just tired. you?

guessin yuo mean how dead the site is tho? yeah, seems deader every day but cant really blame everybody

fair enough; you just seemed more knowledgeable on it than me and wasn’t sure if you were familiar with the admin at all. no worries tho

Oh ok, yeah, that’s cool. I thought maybe he only wanted what was there, but sounds like that’s not it

Any clue if he ok with free speech stuff like what we do here? I’m not very familiar with it at all

Do you know if these are supposed to be free speech? Most of them seem like they haven’t really posted well defined rules, except for dbzer0 -marxists.

Straylight and basedcount seem promising but really depends on if admins are cool with us or not and to what degree. personally i don’t really want to invest too much in a place where we aren’t welcome, especially on lemmy where we can be censored.

As a tech, I like lemmy featureset way way more than nostr so far but seems like we do really keep hitting a wall with censorship there.

Would non -lemmy, free-speech Reddit clones be an option in the meantime? I would be down for signing up on lotus or saidit or whatever as long as i can post stupid shit wo getting banned and people going to be there to bs with. Might try creating some alts today or tomorrow

Do they still prevent users from creating their own subs? I think I had tried that one awhile back but gave up cuz it was only compass memes and 1 or 3 other subs. Unless I’m thinking of a different one?

Edit: just rechecked and it only has 3 subs so I think is same one. Would be more interested if it had at least freeforum and dankmemes subs but if only compass memes, books, and announcement seems a bit sparse

Am I understanding the claim right for the DeSantis and Soros thing?
Was talking with an uncle today and at some point we were talking about backup choices if Trump doesn't run for whatever reason. I mentioned De Santis and unc said he heard something about DS getting endorsed by Soros. Did some googling and I think this is probably bogus but my uncle seems convinced for some reason or another. found lots of stuff, like [here](https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2023/is-george-soros-backing-ron-desantis/), saying that the whole rumor started cuz The Gateway Pundit basically fucked up and misinterpreted something soros was saying. and also this saying desantis suspended some soros prosecutors: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ron-desantis-suspends-second-soros-linked-prosecutor-for-alleged-neglect-of-duty/ar-AA1f16R8 What do you guys think? Something to it, or my uncle's full of it? I did see [this](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ramaswamy-already-millionaire-he-accepted-soros-award-he-said-he-needed-pay-law-school) about Ramaswamy taking Soros money and gonna ask him tomorrow if he was thinking of the wrong guy maybe

But use protection until you know them… you don’t want kids with some of the crazies that are out there. plus liberals tend to have more std’s

I don’t know about clapping but he’s welcome to sniff my cheeks… I had broccoli and onion rings earlier 😆 💨

If they have to kick me out, that’s fine, I’ll take my ID an go elsewhere. Same as if I enter a bar, start some fights, and I get banned.I just go to another bar and, if I have a following, they can go to. Not only can they go, they aren’t banned from visiting the old bar again.

don’t disagree with the mentality but part of the problem I see with this is that a lot of lemmy instances start to make it harder to get in (email, approval process, etc). beecuck is probably the worst offender in this department but there are plenty of others that aren’t just trying to prevent spambots but also want to limit who can get into the community.

point being that as the onboard process becomes more and more of a pain in the ass, it is harder to justify time spent getting in vs the small moment of joy trolling trannyfags etc before getting banned and having to repeat. similar thing on reddit - easy to make a new throwaway but the karma bs basically restricts you from posting most places and it takes too much effort so level of effort required before you can troll isn’t worth it.

to use the bar analogy, if you had to pay an entry fee and wait in line a half hour to get in for every bar, it would get annoying to get throw out after a few times.

I actually think the tipping mechanism in nostr helps. It’s so easy to send someone penny’s people will start paying others to say nice things and that will attract more participation.

I know there are people like that, but that just feels weird to me. I get it for content creation (art, music, code, video, etc) or other things where people have to put in time and effort or provide a community service but have costs to offset. But literally paying someone based on what they say just feels alien to me. Maybe cuz I can’t think of it in terms of IRL interaction without imagining someone paying people to be friends with them.

I agree that the deplatforming concepts in nostr seem to have the right idea or at least are actually trying to solve that unlike fediverse.

Accessibility and UI/UX hopefully they will catch up on soon but I worry about the network effort though. Even for fediverse, compared to Twitter/Reddit/Facebook Fediverse traffic is a drop in the ocean. Nostr seems to be a drop compared to Fediverse traffic currently. Not saying to drop them cuz they don’t have numbers or anything. Just that I worry about things like low-adoption leading to eventual stagnation of development and more isolation in terms of thoughts/ideas (cz less people).

Good luck, hope you can avoid the blue-pilled professors!

Ah ok, so just meant not everything disappear when server goes offline. Yeah, there are a few things I probably still want but I also use the SingleFile browser addon (ff: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/single-file/ but they make for chrome also) to save important stuff like guides or instructions

Oh thanks, hadn’t heard of that one yet.

Does remind me that someone told me there was a also a new voat site, not same people running server, but similar crowd. I don’t remember site name tho unless this is it

i just find it frustrating at times when people defend tyranny

Definitely. I guess I just figure there’s always gonna be some tards out there on any site and tend to put their stuff out of mind.

There’s no effective way to ban them etc and it’s too damn depressing otherwise to see how many tards there are out there supporting that shit. Guess I’m just used to ignoring cuz of Reddit and so many woke sites that speaking up online = ban or at best, a bunch of morons calling names. I guess people with less paranoid setups than me also need to worry about doxxing too.

Really gonna miss EH

Ok, fair enough . But I’m not really sure where you’re going with this.

Do you mean just be extra extra careful about screen names/personal info and avoid getting doxxed? That we can still always find our old posts on other instances? something else?

Not doubting you

But is weird af, cuz I know they have a metric fuckton of anti-trans memes over there… Some pretty good ones too.

ifunny OTOH it has some rightist memes like making fun of Biden and Democrats etc but they have nothing under the trans tag, so I kinda figured that one was a bit more woke or at least “don’t make fun of trans”

And not based on fucking twitter or discord style designs… both are complete garbage as far as social layouts go. especially twitter.

reddit, lemmy, old school bulletin boards, even 4chan, are all way better

Disappointed mostly. I get that site is probably a lot of thankless work and I see how much news posts and whatnot Kapow puts effort into finding and posting even besides all the server admin and update stuff. So I get it and can’t say I wouldn’t make the same call in his place.

At the same time, I think Idgaf about any other lemmy instances really since I really have been spoiled here and going back to leftist censorship sites doesn’t remotely interest me.

Am on nostr and will give it a chance but already there are some major issues that frustrate me with it. I don’t see those getting fixed anytime soon and suspect I will probably eventually either start drifting around again or maybe spend more time offline on self improvement (diet/exercise, learning career stuff, learning survival skills, etc)

Idk why but I feel like we’re seeing the stem from the side for some reason…

I’ve seen a fair bit of US stuff there too but you’re not wrong

Definitely like their tag system though. Not always spot on but at least they have one

List of good places for right-leaning memes / humor
Figured with the EH ship going down soon (site will be going offline permanently on 8/31 for those who missed the announcement) and with some people who inevitability won't bother with nostr despite it being the official replacement, that I'd try to make a list of good places for right-wing, us conservative (uk liberal), libertarian, anti-woke, etc **memes** (and other funnies). Some of these are not exclusive to right-wing so will try to note as `(any)` for places that have all politics but don't censor right-wing memes on the basis of politics (but maybe if using slurs/calls to violence), `(right)` for ones that are predominantly right-wing, and `(woke)` for places you are likely to get banned for agreeing with the memes. If you have more, feel free to share in the comments * 9gag.com - `(any)` - you'll probably want an account since they put some stuff behind 'view content' filters and it can be a pain to click each time vs if you logged in with account there's a setting that's once and done * [ifunny.co](https://ifunny.co/) - `(any)` - no account needed * [politicallyincorrecthumor.com](https://politicallyincorrecthumor.com/politically-incorrect-daily-posts/) - `(right)` - no login needed * gab.com - `(right)` - lots of meme groups. Some are pretty mild, some are super far right, some are full stop black and Jew hate. Wigglehard also has an EH group there. I haven't used it a ton, seems fairly free speech. I did get my account flagged for opening too many group tabs at once, which was kinda gay but I guess is a anti-ddos protection. Layout reminds me of Facebook groups and Twitter. * [reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/) - `(woke)` - ironically, the intent there is to make fun of us but what they actually doing is gathering a bunch of memes in one spot and saving us the trouble of hunting them down. Thanks, libtards! you can view without a login * [satellite.earth/n/dankmemes](https://satellite.earth/n/dankmemes) - `(right)` - just created yesterday so probably not much there yet. Intended as a sister community to [the EH one on SE](https://satellite.earth/n/explodingheads) and so that memes didn't clutter up the discussion sub. Layout of SE reminds me of Twitter plus old school forum boards with a hint of Reddit. * rumble.com - `(right)` - videos * poal.co - `(right)` - account not needed and can view e.g. /s/memes without one but there's some stuff you won't be able to view without one such spoiler/nsfw posts. They also make new accounts post to s/introductions and talk in that 1 post a bit as sort of a trial process before they allowed to post. Still better than the Reddit karma system imo. But be warned that they are much much more strongly into black and Jew hate than here on EH. It is Reddit-style layout though so you might get slightly more/less depending on the sub. You can freely say 'faggot' there. In fact, I'd be surprised if you weren't called a faggot in your intro post.

See Exploding Heads is moving to Nostr


So Exploding Heads is moving to Nostr.

Exploding-Heads.com will go offline August 31st 2023.

Please join us on Nostr.

If you have any questions about getting up and running on Nostr, please ask them here https://exploding-heads.com/c/nostrblog

I get wanting to move and that it has probably been a chore for site owner/maintainers… but feels a bit too early to me.

I won’t poo-poo their decision but I’m on the fence about whether I will end up spending as much time over there. I like satellite.earth more than nostrchat but still feels a lot less good than lemmy or reddit. i know some of that is my own stubbornness to use things thru the browser but still.

i am thinking maybe i will take some time offline and work on diet/exercise, maybe also some time to improve my career skills, and just pop in less often whether that’s here, satellite, gab, whatever. but of the 3, definitely like it here the most and by a pretty wide margin.

Just for reference, how fat is too fat? We going by bmi or just talking about the extra chonky chonkers?

Maybe Joe Biden can donate some of his diapers

Maybe parents can work out some kind of exchange program where they get the fresh ones and send him their kids used ones. Figure he likes sniffing little kids and all, so he might as well get something out of it. Law of equivalent exchange.

Neat video but I guess I will never understand fashion that involves a sleeveless shirt + separately wearing sleeves. Why not just wear a shirt with sleeves?