魔鬼. Internet Demon. Slayer of censorship. Programmer.

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  • 47 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 29, 2022


Weak. Needs to do squats, pushups and stop complaining.

It takes like a year of full time work to make a reddit app. Like a decent one. It will come but not quickly. The ones that came out are pretty decent for how quick they. Came out. And they are getting better.

Not hosting this is just my wallet. I guess because I’m missing some google service on grapheneOS

I’m the one been hyping nostr hard but it’s not perfect for me either. Eats the shit out of my mobile data. I think that is because you pull from so many different relays it’s like running 15 sites at the same time. That is a problem. It’s solvable with compromises.

I think lemmy will end up breaking off into so many echo Chambers, ppl will realize the farce of what the fediverse claims to be and go right back to reddit.

I had really hoped that instances that allowed more wide and varied opinions would naturally grow in size to be the largest. Instead de-federation has continue to cut and slice and separate anyone and everyone. It will never be able to compete with large centralize services like that.

I said I owned three restaurants and a gas station ( I don’t) and a millionaire, have slept with hundreds of women so they should take my advice and go to the gym. Really makes libtards angry when you suggest they should better themselves or not watch porn. Lol makes them so mad

Oh man I had some funny ones yesterday before they nuked that account.

I mean I know this isn’t a answer for everyone but I maintain like wolfballs.com . And I can post my information there. domain names are reasonably anonymous and so far has not been attacked by censorship. Other than that, keep your shit secure I guess. But yeah I can see the value in increasing that security.

Back up isn’t really a problem atleast. You can access everyone’s followers on nostr. Everything is public. Person to person messages are kept private with encryption. If you lose your PK though those all become public.

Well, what is the key server? It has to be a person, computer, blockchain. Something right?

Ok so the masterkey and the key server are the central authority. You can implement the same thing in nostr. For example, someone could just manage your key for you. And you interact through a normal username and password. I’m sure those kinda service will come about.

I don’t really understand that. Sounds like there needs to be some kinda central authority for that to work. I would have to read more about it. The guy who made nostr is really good with crypto stuff though. Someone said he was a core bitcoin developer.

Lemmy world is probably the best place to troll right now. It has a very low bar of entry. You can use a fake email to sign up. Immediately start posting images in comments. You’ll get banned but not before getting lots of soyboys super angry.

Nostr is going to have anti trolling measures. Already people have it set to where they ignore comments from people not in their circle of friends. Just as a spam reduction technique.

If trolling libtards is your thing, right now the fediverse is perfect. Like, i’m surprised no one has made whole websites dedicated to it. A few months ago one of those libtard journalist Taylor Lorenz signed up on mastodon and had thousands of antisemetic replies on her first post. She’s Jewish. stuff like,

“The holocaust never happened but it should have”

I think she cried.

yesterday I posted a bunch of rage inducing graphs on lemmy world’s feminist forums and it took them like 8 hours to ban me. Not before getting hundreds of downvotes. Stuff about being childless and being depressed.

To me that isn’t really what digital freedom is about. Even if it’s really funny. I don’t want anyone telling me who I can listen to. It’s morally reprehensible. The technology should allow users to block trolls though. Just from a engineering perspective.

I know there are people like that, but that just feels weird to me. I get it for content creation (art, music, code, video, etc) or other things where people have to put in time and effort or provide a community service but have costs to offset. But literally paying someone based on what they say just feels alien to me. Maybe cuz I can’t think of it in terms of IRL interaction without imagining someone paying people to be friends with them.

I get so excited with someone sends me 3 cents. I know i’ll never use it most likely but I mean, you post lots of quality memes. To me it makes sense that people who enjoy it and want it to continue should start tipping.

I like to think of it less as a culture of paying to talk to someone and more of a culture of giving and celebrating each other and prosperity. As apposed to a communist fediverse where everyone complains about billionaires.

No private keys are sacred in nostr. Just like Bitcoin. You lose it you have to tell all your followers to re follow the new public key .

I’m currious how data is copied around without overloading nodes. It seems like it may also have the problem of some people don’t see some comments on a specific post, which leads to confusing conversations

I don’t fully understand how all that works. I know there is some nips about finding out where users usually post stuff too. But i have noticed in some clients i’ll see stuff in chat thats not in other’s because the relays are different.

That is just the trade off you get for decentralization though

Well, the idea that I can create my own pleroma instance, create an identity, and then go check out noagenda or whoever

I keep seeing this an as argument for the fediverse. But it really is not and i’ll tell you why.

If everyone who used the fediverse hosted their own instance they would indeed have decentralized identities.

But they don’t.

So in your example, yes you can create your instance and your identity will be separate from noagenda social. But what happens when noagenda social bans you?

Every single user on no agenda social is banned from seeing you.

But yea, that’s why I want to like nostr, mehbe someday a different client

This is fair. And i’m not married to nostr. I believe though in a year or two we should have a pretty solid solution. It’s an ok mastodon and twitter alternative for now. Uses a lot of data though.

If people followed identites, rather than identities of an instance

That is exactly how nostr works. And is the main selling point of it. You request a public key from any relay and if that relay has it’s data and is willing to share it you get it. Simple.

The fediverse almost does this. I

The fediverse does not do this at all. I’m not sure where you are getting at. They own your identity. Identities in the fediverse are 100% centralized.

It like directly goes to your nervous system. We are hard wired to repeat behavior that has rewards.

If I remember that comment right, wasn’t it more about government takedown of central authorities? Nodes, in this case?

If other powers gain control of the node, what happens?

two points on this.

  1. The fediverse has nodes too. But they own identities where nostr nodes do not. However, activity pub also relies on domain name resolution. Nostr does not. so nostr is more decentralized in that regard.

  2. Because internet is a common carrier that has government funding in the united states they get free speech protection. So you can host it in your house and it won’t be seized. It’s just a ip address.

You could even host a relay from your phone.

To be fair, I haven’t studied how nodes even work, but I suspect some will get large enough to self-destruct the whole point. Like lemmy.world, where they seem to ban and block at a whim, unless it’s pedo stuff. That shit stays.

So there will likely always be a couple really large relays everyone uses. But users always use more than one. And data is copied to all of your relays when you post. When one goes down everyone will just shuffle over it’s not a big deal. When lemmy.world goes down lots of stuff will be lost forever. Everyone’s communities will be orphaned. Accounts gone. ect.

There is no private data on the relays. I can give you a copy of my relay database right now and it’s no big deal.

Do we have an evidence of it working before for a social network of sorts?

If you think about it it helps drastically in content creation. Patreon and subscribe star have created whole businesses off the idea. If you get a little money for posting you will be more likely to post. That’s why twitter is trying to bribe people to stay by paying top posters with money people have spent signing up for xeeter premium.

I was thinking about this a little and it seems people need to somehow be incentivized to talk to each other even if they disagree on things, not sure how to accomplish this

I actually think the tipping mechanism in nostr helps. It’s so easy to send someone penny’s people will start paying others to say nice things and that will attract more participation. But that could be used on any platform. What nostr solves is decentralized identities which solves deplatforming issues. The fediverse doesn’t have any solutions to de-platforming. Because it never tried to solve that problem. When people realize that on both facebook and the fediverse when they are banned they lose all their followers but on nostr they don’t I think they will understand the value of spending your time on nostr instead of the fediverse. Why would I invest years posting on a platform that can take away all my followers at a whim when I can instead do it on a platform where no one can? From a user’s perspective nostr just destroys activity pub. From the perspective of someone wanting to control narrative it’s a nightmare.

Also the comments about interaction is silly. I get the best troll interaction by making a alt and posting trump memes on Lemmy world. Ican do that infinite times. I want to use nostr because if I want to hear someone a admin cannot stop me.

I haven’t run any nostr clients, but I did look at it – and think it’s likely MORE prone to censorship than the fediverse

No it’s not. At least in the following way, If you want to hear someone you may. That’s the difference. In the fediverse if a admin does not want you to hear someone else they can block that person on your behalf. In nostr they can’t. As long as one relay exist that carries that persons data you can get it.

Can filters censor? Yes, but you can turn them off. Switch clients, switch relays. ect.

Even the guy who made scuttlebutt moved to nostr.

This is his pub key npub1wmr34t36fy03m8hvgl96zl3znndyzyaqhwmwdtshwmtkg03fetaqhjg240

It was just to hard to use. And every attempt to make it easier made it work more like nostr.

But in the end nostr was inspired by scuttlebutt and torrent trackers

No you just find your relay section and add those two. One of them is mine. One of them is from sjzero. No need to remove others. Having multiple relays is the complicated part of nostr. But it’s what makes it special too. Kinda a double edged sword.

I suggest you guys use my relay which is


It’s currently running on a raspberry pi 4 running with a solid state drive and I have a gigabite connection up and down. So I can potentially handle thousands of people. If the cpu usage gets to high, I have a old i7 with 24 gigs of ram I can use.

I plan to keep it up for a long time.

Nostr is not like lemmy, so if my relay goes down it’s not a huge deal. You should probably have like 5 relays you use.


Is another good one from one of us. sjzero host it. He’s in Canada.

I also use


And a few more.

Can we develop a preset hashtag option intergrated into the website that users can save on their own cz i aint downloading a phrase save app for hashtags and i hate typing out hashtags, i honestly feel like unless i type out hashtags i get lost in the mix of an endless feed

this is absolutely a strong possibility that we’ve talked about. It’s a good bit of dev work and can’t happen over night.

its going to be hard to convince ppl to basically use a a twitter clone with less censorship vs twitter or gab (gab is essentially twitter and reddit had a baby with less ability to find posts cz its all a feed) nostr is a twitter feed.

To be honest we don’t really have to. I emailed tens of thousands of Canadian convoy doners to use lemmy. I reached out across multiple social outlets. And you and me together probably only brought like maybe 100 people. There are already more users on nostr than lemmy. It’s been mentioned on the Joe Rogan podcast. And it solves a real problem. And that is with de-platforming. You keep your followers when banned.

Keep using Gab it’s great. But it has a single point of failure. and that is Andrew. When he gets arrested,killed or it becomes financially unviable it’s over.

With nostr, if I stop hosting my relay tomorrow. Most people won’t notice.

Nostr does have communities (just kinda garb), chats, and hashtags. We can make those hashtags work better for communities. And add relay level moderators to make it less spamy.

Can always make an account with a temp email service on any instance every now and then to trigger the libs.

https://satellite.earth has growing support for communities. It’s not great as is. I’ll make you a mod of the exploding-heads community there. Every post needs to be approved by a moderator. Thats just the way it was implemented. Currently thats kapow, you and me. I can write a bot that auto approves known users I guess. Shouldn’t be that hard. Nostr also supports chat, twitter with hashtags. More work needs to be done to make it as good as lemmy for this type of content but it’s getting better everyday.

Got to make cloth diapers out of old t shirts. Then after the baby shits you switch to a cloth diaper. Can be pretty cheap but takes life skills schools don’t teach.

I don’t post much. A couple things in c nostr just to promote stuff. I keep accounts just to argue back when people mention us.

Very likely some of that kinda thing going on yes. Some appear to be real too. Folks I’ve seen around the net the past 15 years

Yeah it’s weird. Maybe they haven’t noticed or don’t know who I am yet. Or don’t care.

Lol, I haven’t really done anything but edit the support lemmy button here.

I hate to agree with the leftest on stuff but I got to say I’m seeing a ton of white nationalist stuff on there. Advertisers are gonna run hard. You just can’t have that kinda content next to a iphone ad. And I could actually link to post after post right here. stuff like this or this It’s not like when Elon stumped the reporter a while back by asking “Show me an example”. I’m seeing them day after day. I’ll follow an account because of some nature video this suddenly it’s posting about wakanda fights and save Europa. I totally respect what he’s doing. Creating a “Town Square” for all debate. But it feels like a bloody battle field and I don’t see that kinda environment lasting. There just isn’t a way to monetize it.

“I support trump because if he wins there will be mass suicides on the left”
![](https://files.catbox.moe/mpgypb.mp4) Lol this coomer had me laughing.

The tds is unreal but so funny https://lemmy.world/post/3338544

Meme wars are going to be lit this election
![](https://files.catbox.moe/mlw3kh.mp4) Last election we were in a terrible place. The censorship of the world was very high. With twitter, gab, patriots.win, the fediverse, nostr and everything in between, Memes will spread far and wide.

Chimp washes a man’s hands
Amazing how similar their body language is to ours. ![](https://files.catbox.moe/kwaf9f.mp4)

Think any of these girls are single?
Who doesn't love a dirty woman dressed in all black? ![](https://files.catbox.moe/6sseuq.mp4)

old man reflects on the state of affairs

to go from the richest 30 year old ever to being worth nothing. ![](https://files.catbox.moe/fqvi6z.mp4)

Over a decade layer this song is worse than ever

The Amish were right about everything

Why buy water in plastic?

1980’s America

I want to show you all my big 🍆

Seeing how cheap it is to send Bitcoin over lightening
I feel like we really don't need banks. Is Bitcoin really going to explode? Problems I had with Bitcoin was, to expensive to send (lightening solved this) and maybe large node size. But because it's so fucking cheap now to send a dollar I feel like bit coin really can replace a bank. Should we all be buying Bitcoin?

Looks like rammy.site is getting the exploding heads treatment
Over at shit doesn't work. Let's be sure to show them our support and upvote their content

This dude looks super healthy. him monthly bills are like 130$ a month.

A few .ml lemmy instances have gone down. lemmy.ml and lemmygrad.ml likely to be taken down. So funny.

Stop buying pride chicken from Chickfila start buying based burgers from in and out Update plan as necessary

So weird seeing politicians when they were young. Culture was so different back then. The south was considered a different country than the north. Also kinda explains some of his outdated views on affirmative action. His experience growing up as a rich white Kennedy in New York is not the same as a young white person growing up in Atlanta Georgia for example.

We used to be able to laugh and not be called bigots over it.


Looks to be a bot instance [@Wigglehard@exploding-heads.com](https://exploding-heads.com/u/Wigglehard) I can't figure out how to tag kapow

To help Kapow out i’ve made a exploding-heads dockerhub account
I love the name If anyone knows of a good free git hosting service besides github I would love to post any changes we make to it. We need a place to post code changes.