
I know it hurts me too Alice but this isn’t working out

Man I thought we had something going but I’m not even in that list.

What’s up with this post? I haven’t logged into this account for ages and I seem to have missed some shit?

Then you should try federating with Hexbear. They are trans AND communist.

Well Alice, it’s even gotten too boring to troll here…

Which ones are your favorite to hate on?

So quiet here on the free forum
I still come sometimes to have a look but it's pretty much dead? There's like 20 active people on this instance left.. Did you guys move somewhere else or have we finally defeated racism? (yaay!)

And that’s the right wing school shooter train of thought. Very reasonable behavior

I mod a community with twice the amount of users you have on this entire instance. Good job🥱

Hah, good one wiggles! So which instance are you eyeing on next? Anyway the good thing is you can now go all in on the homophobia and casual racism

No, seems like I don’t! But you seem very knowledgeable. Can you explain to me how they work?

Then you would know it isn’t bots. There are no automated downvoted. They get two or three downvotes on their posts and it’s “bots!”. And make rage posts 🙄

So you unban yobama,yobama69 and yobama6969 and restore the posts?

Edgy. I see you are on a mission from God as you said in that other post. American christians are something else.

Up- and downvotes are federated to other instances so they are visible to admins with a little bit of postgresql knowledge. So you could set up your own instance and have a look

If you had any idea about how this software works you could go look in the database and see where the downvotes where coming from. I bet you there are zero bots. If it were bots the amount of downvotes would be many times higher, especially since you have open registration and don’t even need an email address to sign up. But blame it on the invisible enemies again.