• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Doesn’t matter, he’s fat. Honestly we should just execute him with a triple XL guillotine.

BMI is retarded, and can pretty much lable a wall of a Marine as fat.

If you’re slightly chubby that’s whatever, just work on it. It can happen with pregnancy, injuries, or depression.

If you’re clearly a fat fuck, who hasn’t made an honest effort in the past year or ten, you either need to be dragged through boot camp until you’re below 24% body fat. Alternatively, up against the wall.

All my opinions are based on how fat an individual is.

We should holocaust the fats

Posting fit or thin Trump is always funny to me because he’s a fat ass. It’s like a fat chick using deceptive angles on Tinder.

Trump deserves to go to prison until he’s thin.

Maybe, but that pedo stuff is on a number of instances, not just EH

Based on Alice’s other post, I think this pedo likes to end their accounts in 860, as the account name was heather_z860

They also like to use controversial ideas as the name of their communities.

Link from Alice’s other post for those who don’t know what I’m talking about. https://exploding-heads.com/post/710870

Usually I would agree, especially about the first two posts. I find it odd that a user is dedicating an account to talking about sexualization, but I’ve pretty much dedicated this account to hating fat people.

That being said the user, PSR_860, who posted the next to links, definitely likes them young. PSR_860 mentioned at least twice that we have a developed brain once we have an adult body, so right after puberty, is what I assume they mean.

That and PSR_860 posted this comment: There is not a shred of scientific evidence for the existence of ephebophilia, but everyone acts like it’s real.

No one brings up ephebophilia unless there’s a fourteen year old next door they want to hump. Pretty sure to that PSR_860 is a pedo, and trying to run some sort of normalization psyop.

Honestly the only thing worse than a pedophile is a fat pedophile. How are you supposed to fit them in the woodchipper?

Could I get some additional context here? I realize we’re making fun of zoom thots, but I’d imagine his frustration is with freedoms and economic opportunity going to shit for his children and grandchildren

Not a fan of the Spandex dykes on bikes, but at least they’re not fat.

Slow drivers.
If you're in the left lane at 70, while multiple people pass you in the right lane, and you don't move over, I need to to park your car in a garage and suck on the tailpipe, and really savior the exhaust. Thank you.

Uhh, IT support? One set tech, network engineer, system admin, Soc or Noc monkey.

If you were Jewish you’d understand the dangers of global warming. They’ve been in oven like temperatures before.

N1gg@ it’s 110 degrees in Texas and if it gets a single degree hotter I will kick your ass.

I hate it. I’m identify as black from now on to get some reparations.

Are you sure it’s not actually women pretending you don’t exist?

Is there a fathate group yet?
I'm just looking for a friendly, fun group of fellas, to have a good time laughing at piggies.