
I made a post about his exploits:

I will just say:

  • It would be ironic that there is nobody screaming about defederation over this. Of course I must be charitable and note that these are not exactly super mainstream posts it seems… But also I am not going to click around and consume this material. I don’t want to accidentally click on some stuff and scar my brain (the first post I clicked on had a LINK to somewhere that I AM NOT CLICKING).

  • I think everyone has a right to free speech and so if they want to make these insane arguments… Let them. I am not going to say we need to give a platform to them or anything, but I am a free speech extremist. I don’t think people doing creepy or bad philosophy should be banned.


You are absolutely not tripping. This guy is a pedophile that spends his time making posts that all eventually feed into the idea that it should be normal and OK for adults to hook up with under-age teenagers. Please report him wherever you see him, I’m happy to share the sleuthing I’ve already done with any instance admin that is having second thoughts.

This is the same person:


Gross dude why do they slip into the fediverse?


It’s very disappointing. They seem to be testing the waters, for example this guy won’t outright promote pedophilia, instead he’ll make arguments such as:

  • teenagers over 14 are fully developed young adults
  • it’s bigotry to treat them like children
  • it harms and infantilizes teenagers over 14 to treat them like children
  • the brain is fully developed by 14, the rest is just a myth
  • power imbalances between adults and teens are a myth
  • puritans are to blame for the hysteria against age difference in sexual partners
  • hysteria around pedophiles today is the same as the witch hunts of the past
  • child beauty padgents are just kids playing dress-up and harm nobody
  • punishment for adults who have sex with teenagers over 14 is disproportionate for a crime that hurts nobody

…etc. Nothing he says is technically illegal so he’s banking on everyone going along with it on this technicality. At the end of the day, this is a 50+ year old dude with a squeaky voice that is trying to make a case for how he should be able to have sex with 14 year olds. He is (somewhat) indirectly promoting pedophilia and can fuck right off.

Yo are you a kid diddler, or are you just retarded?


Hopefully retarded


I don’t think they’re pedo posts.

The first seems to be investigating a concept that is sort of postmodern, where instead of taking things at face value we have to dig 15 levels in to find hidden meanings. It also seems to be pointing out the fact that the concept has no direct meaning and it’s used as a woke weapon.

The others look like they’re reasonable posts talking about how we don’t treat teenagers as if they’re going to be adults soon. I tend to agree, we keep on expanding “adulthood” but really in our 20s we’re adults and we should be trying to raise kids with this in mind or they’ll make terrible mistakes in their 20s.

Usually I would agree, especially about the first two posts. I find it odd that a user is dedicating an account to talking about sexualization, but I’ve pretty much dedicated this account to hating fat people.

That being said the user, PSR_860, who posted the next to links, definitely likes them young. PSR_860 mentioned at least twice that we have a developed brain once we have an adult body, so right after puberty, is what I assume they mean.

That and PSR_860 posted this comment: There is not a shred of scientific evidence for the existence of ephebophilia, but everyone acts like it’s real.

No one brings up ephebophilia unless there’s a fourteen year old next door they want to hump. Pretty sure to that PSR_860 is a pedo, and trying to run some sort of normalization psyop.

deleted by creator

Are we able to tag users of other instances?


I wonder that too I think you just do the @ then there name not sure if it does anything though

Well let’s try it out.

Yo @PSR_860 are you a fucking kid diddler?

Another test to see if it only works on the instance @Alice does this work?

It does, thanks homie

I don’t think you are tripping. Get one of those youtube pedo hunters on it.

On this instance too:

Some cultures don’t have the forced artificially extended childhood we call “adolescence”. It’s something we invented. Something we choose to do. We can stop this cruelty any time.

Yikes. Can instance admins see who upvoted? See if those accounts that did was created at around the same time, because that doesn’t seem organic to me.

Just message Kapow about it

Based on Alice’s other post, I think this pedo likes to end their accounts in 860, as the account name was heather_z860

They also like to use controversial ideas as the name of their communities.

Link from Alice’s other post for those who don’t know what I’m talking about.

DMT Dank Microwave Taco
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Let’s take a trip on DMT. Welcome to the Dank Microwave Taco or DMT for short. Anything and everything goes in here. Be sure to share your experience on DMT with your friends, family and social media. @WiggleHard bans nothing and exiles nobody (Dont doxx wolfballs users, no posting of porn/nudes or foot fetish material unless it involves political scandals, no ads for sex sites or dating sites; do that on your own time, no solicitation for pyramid scams, no posting job advertisements unless from official job sites, no posts supporting pedophilia, not all love is love) also: (we cannot allow violations of the patriot act concerning how we speak, no calls for violence, suggesting you are personally harming someone ect. These things are not free speech protected by law but actually against the law and could get the website shut down.) (no spam posting, especially spam posting of what could be considered symbols of hate) examples: guy posting nazi flag 5 times in one day, guy posting “whitey is the devil over and over, im going to use my best judgement on this one rule)

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