I run the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Social, FBXL Lemmy, FBXL Lotide, and FBXL Video. Mostly for my own use because after having my heart broken by too many companies I want to be in control of my own world.

I also wrote The Graysonian Ethic: Lessons for my unborn son, now on Amazon

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


By definition, as long as you are judging someone as being better or worse solely on the basis of their race, that’s racism.

One of the reasons Martin Luther King’s speech was so compelling to so many people was that it didn’t ask you to look at people for the color of their skin, but for the opposite. If someone is a good person, judge them as a good person.


I dunno, I’m not that old, and I paid for most of my education with cash I made working for less than minimum wage (and the balance being loans I’ve already paid off)

THOT - This Ho Owes Taxes

One of my favorite backronyms of the past decade

I disavow, but you’re correct. How many people died from his administrations lies? How many innocent people were tortured under his watch? How heavy are that guy’s sins?

The funniest thing to me was Joe Biden bragging about how much of the Bush administration supported him not Donald Trump.

It’s like “you think that’s a positive? Did your dementia addled brain forget that the Democrats won the executive, the house, and the senate with a supermajority because people hated that admin so much?”

Good ideas span cultures and economic systems. :P

He who does not work, neither shall he eat

Man, that’d piss off a lot of commies if they could read Russian.

The forest fires in Canada right now aren’t even the worst they’ve been in the past few decades.

But everything needs to be viewed through apocalypse for these people.

In Canada, even the past few elections where there were early voting days, we knew who was in charge by morning.

It isn’t an isolated incident: many US elections are still being fought over, and Canada has its election and knows who runs the country in a day during the big fight down south.

Not saying Canada is better in any other way, but these long drawn out countings of votes isn’t normal.

It was really mean for the Americans to sneak that story of Sodom and Gomorrah into the Quran. CURSE YOU, REPUBLICANS!

I think these guys really need to learn from the Americans how to respond to violent riots.

Watch and learn, surrender monkeys:

“Everything is fine. They’re doing such a good thing. Where’s all so glad they’re doing it. Thank you, heroes.”

You know, if you defederated from a lot of these instances, they’d only be able to continue harassing you from this instance…

There’s something funny about kjb and Clarence Thomas being by far the very top and very bottom of the list.

I mean I’m not going anywhere, and I know a few other regulars are from other instances too.

I suspect the fediverse at large will also start moving in now that lemmy is growing. Some spicy sites like poast or fse will probably get in on this at some point, then there’ll really be a cluster of sites.

Makes sense to me. I know a lot of mastodon instances use a similar idea so their users can participate with people on dark fedi instances without blasting that shit all over the place.

As I understand it…

Conservative is liberal because the status quo from the 1800s until some time in the post-war period was liberalism. To be a liberal is to believe in individual liberty and responsibility, and to want the least amount of regulation on people’s personal lives by the state.

Liberal is conservative because there’s a certain worldview that was established during that post-war period has now been the status quo for several generations. You can have someone who is parroting the same worldview that their great grandparents held, the exact same orthodoxy. In this way, following the ideology of your great grandparents can only be considered conservative.

Would this be accurate to you?

So would it be accurate to say you believe in

  • Inclusive Citizenship based on shared values and identity rather than race
  • Equality and Individual Rights
  • Civic Participation and Democracy
  • Rule of Law and Justice
  • Social Cohesion and Integration
  • National Unity and Patriotism


I think that’s something a lot of people don’t realize, we’ve got a lot of edgelords saying stuff mostly because it’s not allowed to be said.

I think even a lot of maga folks agree that in some ways Trump is kinda an idiot sometimes. I mean, look at all the swamp monsters he had surrounding him as President.

Unfortunately, according to this test, I’m a liberal. Pretty much 0% fascist.

How embarrassing.

So how many of you guys are legit fascists?
Since I've been told repeatedly that you guys are fascists, I figured we could find out how many of you were legit fascists. According to a quick query from ChatGPT, the following attributes make up a fascist: - Authoritarian and dictatorial leadership. - Extreme nationalism and emphasis on the nation or race. - Suppression of dissent and opposition. - Militarism and glorification of violence. - Cult of personality around a charismatic leader. - State control over the economy and society. - Strict social hierarchy and suppression of individual liberties. - Propaganda and manipulation of media. - Scapegoating and persecution of minority groups. - Rejection of democracy and political pluralism. In short, if you promote a collectivist civilization centered around extreme nationalism and racism, while rejecting personal liberty and democracy in favor of a strong dictatorial leader, you're more than likely a fascist. If people advocate for individual freedom and accountability, that would be a sign that the person isn't a fascist by definition. And if you advocate against giving anyone dictatorial powers over a nation, then that's also a sign someone isn't a fascist. And if you advocate for freedom of speech, particularly for viewpoints you don't agree with, then that's a sign someone isn't a fascist. And if you advocate against state control of the economy and society, then that's a sign someone isn't a fascist. And if you're against propaganda, even if it's for viewpoints you agree with, then that's a sign someone isn't a fascist. And if you're against the persecution of minorities, then that's a sign someone isn't a fascist. And if you think there needs to be different political factions or parties and that they all bring important things to the table and that single party rule is not good, then that's a sign someone isn't a fascist. So, people advocate for individual freedom and accountability, and if you advocate against giving anyone dictatorial powers over a nation, and if you advocate for freedom of speech, particularly for viewpoints you don't agree with, and if you advocate against state control of the economy and society, and if you're against propaganda, even if it's for viewpoints you agree with, and if you're against the persecution of minorities, and if you think there needs to be different political factions or parties and that they all bring important things to the table and that single party rule is not good, then that's a sign someone isn't a fascist. In fact, all of those together suggest that you might be a liberal. So how many of you are fascists, and how many of you are dirty liberals?

Tbf, the teevee has been telling them what to think at the top of their lungs for 6 years.

Nevermind that populism and socialism literally have the same idea at it’s core: that the world can be separated into two classes of people, the elites and the masses, and that it is just for the elites to have less power and the masses to have more.

Really, when you look at it from that point of view, of course the elites tell everyone to fear and hate the populists.

It’s completely different! All they’re doing is teaching kids is that all the world’s problems are created by a race of people they claim control the banks, the media, and the corporations and that we should try to make sure there are less of them while promoting a other race of people as clearly superior using a falsified version of history.

Wish a lot of people on the fediverse who prejudge would see this post.

Maybe if they want to maintain the roads they should use some of the income they tax from everyone?

I know there’s gender studies programs in Pakistan to fund, but maybe just a small amount should be spent on fixing roads?

Well fuck you because I do like you and I’ll probably continue liking you.

So there.

We’re at a point where I think we’re at the other side of what they used to say.

It used to be about equality. “We just want to be treated the same as everyone else.”

Great. This isn’t acceptable for anyone else either.

I legit feel bad for people who happen to be LGBT who aren’t with these maniacs.

If you were to lay out a plan to specifically destroy LGBT acceptance, these people’s plan would be it.

ngl, I don’t know his stance on some important culture war things, but every time I see a new policy it’s like “ok, not bad!”

There seems to me to be a lot we can all agree on and move forward with that. Instead of complaining about the stuff we won’t agree on, I think stuff we can is a good start.

Daylight savings time. End it now!

It’s no problem. I thought someone had come in and was breaking your guys toys is all.

No, whoever that was. (Unless that was you, but I seriously doubt it was)

Some people just want to set the world on fire to watch it burn. :(

After 40 years in the desert, we’re finally arriving in the promised land.

It’s like, we’re over here on the fediverse doing the right thing long before everyone else realizes why, and then they make their way over because they suddenly realize.

I like.seeing those who correctly predict the future find success.

An OpenStreetMap view of the world
I reused the hardware for it for my lemmy instance so it's down now, but for a while I ran an openstreetmap instance. OSM has a big map that shows all the continents. Then you zoom in a bit, and you can see countries. Then you zoom in a bit, and you can see provinces. Then you zoom in a bit, and you can see cities. Then you zoom in a bit, and you can see neighborhoods. Then you zoom in a bit, and you can see individual buildings. And this incredibly detailed map of the entire planet right down to individual buildings doesn't know about the stories of the people in those buildings, it doesn't know about individual trees, individual blades of grass, of the bugs in the soil, of the nematodes that are to the bugs as the bugs are to us, to the bacteria and archaea, to the viruses, to the molecules, to the atoms, to the subatomic particles. And that's just one map of one planet in a solar system, in one galaxy, of so many it'll break your brain seeing all the different galaxies they found out there. And at every scale, you see what's in front of you and think it's the most important thing, but there's everything you can't see at the scale you're at, and all the other things at all the other scales, but it's easy to become fixated on one thing in one place at one scale and forget the universe as a whole is a lot of things all at once.

Imagine having someone with more power than sense arbitrarily coming in and having them declare some innocent piece of language hate speech and it's use will be punished. It would be really tough. Nobody wants to be walking on eggshells all the time like that. Totally unacceptable! Who does he think he is, telling people what they really mean when they say a word and punishing people for what he said they said?

Test post
Sorry, but I'm testing federation on this instance. I'll delete once it's successful.