Let’s discuss shit or talk shit lol

  • 175 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Feb 01, 2023


Give me your matrix ID. I made an invite only because I don’t want people from Lemmy coming in and reading our shit

I made an eh chat on matrix what’s your username so I can add you

I made a eh chat on matrix what’s your address so I can add you

It’s just them postingan announcement of closing the shit post sub bc of it being used to post that stuff

I’m asking around and looking if there is anything new in the works right now

I know dude, I know. You’re preaching to the quire. It’s frustrating

Dam I feel like being the biggest instance makes them a target

My new favorite comeback for when someone is bitching on the internet is
Have you tried crying harder? Or Cry more. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 shit makes me laugh lol

Thank you man, it means alot. I have two cats. I’ve had dogs before and you are right about that. Having them forces you to get up out of bed bc you have to take care of them.

I see how it helps. Even though I don’t have to walk my cats, even though they have food and water, they’ll cry for me to get out of bed when I’m sleeping all day.

They knudge me and won’t shut up lol until I get up and at least open the curtains and turn the TV on.

Thank you so much. And you are very right. I do have low mental health and productivity.

Thank you. They live in another state

I’m frustrated and sad
Sucks. Idk. There's things I need to prioritize, and need to stop distracting myself with my fucking phone. Most of the day is fine, but after it gets later in the evening, there isn't much on nostr, here, reddit or the other places I use and it makes me feel sad. Bc I have no one to talk to. And then it forces me to realize that I'm avoiding my responsibilities. Idk how to fix that. My fucking cell phone isn't going any where but I'm -stuck- in it It's my distraction, entertainment and social life. Everything outside of my phone is what I'm drowning out on purpose bc I don't want to deal with it. Then it's night time, and I have nothing to show for myself after being on my fucking phone all day. Just another day that I didn't take care of anything. Idk I'm sorry. I know you guys can't be there all time, yall have lives and stuff I understand that. I need to figure out a way to chill out or something. I just don't get how I went from having my shit together and then now being at a point where I don't leave the house. I'm isolating myself on purpose. EDIT: Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. You all have me valuable advice and it really means alot. Yall are awesome and you made me feel better. Thank you

Yea that’s true. I just need to chill out

I think they just don’t like that you are a little sassy lol

That’s the thing for me honestly. I know nostr can work, but it’s being patient that frustrates me.

I’m impatient as fuck. Like I’ve said, if I was a developer I would make a reddit style client cause that’s what I like.

But I’m not a developer so I have to wait until someone up and decides maybe they want to do that which is annoying. I know I’m bitching a bit I know that it’s frustrating bc I literally can’t do anything about it I don’t like or want to wait on ppl. I feel like most developers are just pumping out Twitter nostr apps and like that’s all they ‘see’ .

Stop trying to have a dick measuring contest with Elon. Make a fucking reddit nostr client, a Facebook, one fuck come up with something else. Not EVERYONE uses or likes fucking Twitter dude.

The reddit Exodus should have made that pretty apparent.

Where’s the fucking vision dude? I just feel like ppl who can do it are all over the place just saying how awesome nostr is.

Yea I get it that’s great, but why arnt you making something functional and amazing that works for android like damus? Come on stop it already talk is cheap. You feel me ?

Right now there is one android app on pre release called biscuit but there are more in the works for android and iPhone. https://discuit.net/3rdPartyApps/post/EBUwou3i Biscuit is on github. What do you think of discut?

Yea I could tell he is :/ I’ve posted on scored in the exploding-heads.com community.

Honestly, nostr will be the main for me even though I don’t care for it, but I’m still going to bounce around to gab, scored and so forth.

The nostr ui is just trash

SO fucking SASSY I love it lol 😆 😂 🤣 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 he spanked his ass 🍑 lol

That’s good yea that’s true. Just gunna miss it

I still want to stay here to. I’m fine using both until nostr is better. But it is what it is I guess… sucks

“we are willing to cut users that don’t fit with what we are aiming for and think that instances sound have particular goals other then ‘growth’”

Look at some of the shit they’ve said. Even talking about 'curating their user base ’






Took the words right out of my mouth. Fucking absolutely agree. I also think their heads got hot when they started gaining reddit users.

I feel at some point they want to leverage that in some way to get out of their day jobs and make profit while incorporating even stricter rules.

I’ve seen beehaw say something about subscriptions in the Admin chat. Also selling merchandise (not sure if that’s relevant) I think they WANT to become the next ‘reddit’ so they can get paid to censor speech.

Grow lemmy as big and powerful as they can so they can mass censor. And if any new servers want in well they gotta play by their rules.

That’s just my conspiracy anyway. I’ve said before, MOB, ALLLLLLLLLLLLL they talk about on matrix is banning, defederating, censorship that’s literally it.

They are obsessed

Oh my God lol 😆 Bitcoin is gay. Can’t even buy ice cream with it. Fucking useless

okay so what got me on the Governor Chris Christie bullshit and addicted to posting about him is bec
Something like, "if you showed up at home and Governor Chris Christie was taking a buttermilk bath and Mike Tyson comes up and says get in what are you going to do?" And that shit was just so fucking ridiculous lol I couldn't handle it lol I already find gov chris christie name to be hilarious and that shit just put me on a kick lol

Ok dope. Why is it that when I sign up to their server it takes me to their Matrix chat room instead of being able to log in to their instance it’s weird

Someone was saying they are still on 1.8.1 version and are exposed to ddos attacks so I kinda halted going forward on that. Plus when you sign up it takes you to their matrix server and you can’t login online or in the app. Fucking odd

If you guys are still going to use lemmy after EH goes down, what do you think of these ones?
I went through as many instances as I could stand lol https://lemdit.com/ https://adding.space/ https://tldr.ar/ https://lazysoci.al/ https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/ https://lemmy.basedcount.com/ https://awful.systems/ https://lemmy.villa-straylight.social/ https://lemmus.org/

I just woke up right now and my first thoughts
We're thinking about what governor Chris christie stuff should I post lol

So, Well, How’s Everyone Feeling About The Switch?
Feels weird not gunna lie. Like there's no one to talk to anymore. But I guess maybe that's just because it's Friday and all I have is the internet.

Ok Dude, Am I fucking tripping or are these Pedo posts?
https://lemmy.tf/post/589930 https://lemm.ee/post/4127576 https://lemy.lol/post/3733632 https://lemmy.tf/post/590337 https://lemdit.com/post/597679 Idk they just seem odd to me. Maybe I'm tripping and need some coffee idk.