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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


It’s very hard for people on the right to be abusive in the way that commies portray them, because people on the right control almost nothing. They don’t control big media, big tech, most large corporations, universities, schools, most of government, etc.

It is the left that is doing the abusive things you mention: censorship of different viewpoints, extreme emphasis on race (BLM, criminal justice “reform”, race equity), glorification of violence (Antifa, assaults on right-wing people giving speeches), scapegoating and persecution (example: bike Karen), rejection of democracy (it’s anti-democratic when Republicans win elections; it’s a threat to democracy when people on the right can freely express their viewpoint).

When Trump was doing real estate deals, he only needed a team of 10 competent people he trusted and things would work. When Trump became President, he had to appoint thousands of people. He didn’t have enough people he personally knew that were competent and qualified (and could get confirmed by the Senate), so he had to rely on the advice of others, and he received bad advice.

That is necessary for the current left. In a real honest open debate, they just lose. They make excuses for it like “You’re an evil person using words to trick us!”

They accuse the other side of fascism, but they really are the most fascist. Fascism is “the merger of corporate and government power”. In the USA in 2023, almost all the institutions are on the same side as the left. The only things the right controls right now are some state governments, the Supreme Court (sort of) and the House of Representatives (sort of).

If they want Lemmy to be a serious project, alienating half the country seems like an idiot move.

Everyone on the right already quit Reddit a couple years ago and migrated to sites like patriots.win or forums.red.

The only people left on reddit are the extreme left. When they quit reddit en masse, they’re going to create a left circlejerk website. There just aren’t a critical mass of conservatives left on Reddit anymore, because they would have left already.

There’s a trope that says “If a website has a single antisemitic comment, then everything on that website is invalid and must be banned.” So if someone wanted to ruin exploting-heads.com, then all they have to do is create accounts and post antisemitic stuff.