• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I had a big story for you, but the bottom line is you can take redditors away from reddit, but he can’t take the Reddit out of the redditors. Still very smug, a shockingly ignorant about the rest of the world in spite of acting as if they know about everything going on in the world. And even though they are wrong about many many things, they’re all there to group think so objectively incorrect things will be heavily supported.

Since the reddit migration, I’ve seen so many instances where they just deny reality because it doesn’t matter if they deny reality because everyone around them agrees with them. And if you don’t agree with them, maybe it’s time to be defederated.

Really annoying. They should all go back to reddit, just like how you can read about how much Twitter sucks on twitter, they can just make a new subredded about how much reddit sucks.

Tbf, this was always inevitable given the trajectory of the past 10 years, and every republican administration helped.

Deontological and teleological ethics vs. virtue ethics
Forever ago, I took an ethics course where they talked about deontological and teleological ethics. These forms of ethics look at the ethical implications of an action, and in one case they are looking at whether the action itself is moral or immoral, and in the other case it is looking at the consequences of the action as being moral or immoral (morals and ethics aren't really the same thing but I'm using the interchangeably here) So in doing a thorough analysis of the graysonian ethic, one of the things that came out was that it isn't really either. It doesn't really talk about specifics of how to come to a certain decision about whether an action is good or evil, instead it talks about becoming the sort of person who is virtuous enough to make the decision for himself. This actually makes a whole lot of sense. The world is complicated, and yesterday is not today and today is not tomorrow, the circumstances that we live under can change in a heartbeat. Any equation that you build trying to be able to determine if an action itself is good or evil will come up short. Is confluence of things that talk about what is ethical, there is one part biology and the fact that we are human, there is one part environment in the culture we live in and the world we live in, and there's one part choice and how we choose to live our lives and what we choose to value. Those three things are each infinitely complicated. Points of view that appeared to be correct can turn out to be incorrect, or they can turn out to have been correct at the time but then the world changed. Or your personal circumstances changed. So in this sense, that's where virtue ethics seem to make more sense. Instead of trying to come up with an overreaching equation to find the answer to all life, you just focus on becoming a virtuous person and then follow your conscience. Then you can be confident that rather than being stuck in a dogmatic math equation that is wrong because the circumstances that the math equation was developed under changed, you can walk through life experiencing it and making value judgments on the fly based on your inherent virtue as a person who has cultivated that virtue.

Someone I don’t like getting the most votes is a threat to our democracy.

I don’t think they’re pedo posts.

The first seems to be investigating a concept that is sort of postmodern, where instead of taking things at face value we have to dig 15 levels in to find hidden meanings. It also seems to be pointing out the fact that the concept has no direct meaning and it’s used as a woke weapon.

The others look like they’re reasonable posts talking about how we don’t treat teenagers as if they’re going to be adults soon. I tend to agree, we keep on expanding “adulthood” but really in our 20s we’re adults and we should be trying to raise kids with this in mind or they’ll make terrible mistakes in their 20s.

I’m glad to see a growing number of users on E-H and other open instances.

Even the folks who disagree. Good! Some dissent can keep us honest!

There’s a video I posted to freeforum that equates wokeness with the Catholic church in the 1600s, a massive, towering religion with deep corruption and institutional power. It equates the new right with protestantism. People don’t understand why there are so many sects of protestantism, it’s because that’s where the intellectual freedom to try to make sense of the world lived. In the same way, there’s a lot of new right, many different views as people try to find the truth in a complicated world outside established dogma.

That’s the core of it. Their religion is at stake, and they’re the establishment. To consider dissent is to risk losing their power in a world that clearly doesn’t match their religious teachings so they must reject.

Sorta looks like Monica Lewinsky. Did he intern in the whitehouse in the 90s at any point?

Fediblock is literally a who’s who of fun instances filled with fun people.

This video is really interesting to me and I recommend it to all of you, it really helps put our current moment in a historical perspective.

It talks about wokeness as a religion and how we can conceptualize it the same way as the catholic church in the 1600s.

It talks about Peter Turchin’s secular cycles and how we’re in one right now and how it perfectly describes what’s going on with the working class, the middle class, and the upper classes. This is a parallel to the 1600s and the sort of world that was developing in that era and he explains that.

From there, he makes predictions about the future based on what happened in the 1600s with some new lessons from recent history.

Honestly, he’s a young man but I always try to catch the latest whatifalthist video because he’s very well-read and has helped me to understand the world in a perspective that includes much more of history than the past 100 years.

Why we’re facing another 30 years war

Their ideology is weak, it cannot stand dissent.

It’s ironic that these people call everyone else nazis, but they are the ones who refuse peaceful coexistence and instead utilize authoritarian tyranny to make sure that only people that they approve of are allowed to speak.

It’s legit sad.

Imagine how much work it is to try being a surrogate parent for a bunch of people who don’t want to ever see anything outside of their echo chamber. For what?

I mean, they’re French. The French revolution became the cautionary tale for every revolutionary on the planet. Everyone saw that, and it went “oh wow the French are kind of retarded”

Because of the way activity pub works, the only reason that exploding heads would show up in the programming.dev feed would be if someone over there subscribe to the communities here.

So in that way, defederation isn’t really about this site, it’s about punishing the users on that site for having the audacity of subscribing to a community someone doesn’t like.

One of my personal things is I think bikes should just be allowed on sidewalks, and if a cyclist decides to be a dick head towards pedestrians, make that the crime.

A cyclist is closer to a pedestrian than to a car by pretty much any count.

Ancient Greek stories and philosophy warn about hubris. It really seems to me that people like this or Elizabeth Holmes of theranos are perfect examples of why hubris is so dangerous.

Can confirm, am slow. I drive the posted speed limit because I got into the habit thanks to graduated licensing and there was no way I was going to lose that license when I finally got it after all the effort it takes.

But I do try to get out of the damn way.

American history is really something else, and because our ancestors were so effective in some key regards, we don’t even realize.

Huge swaths of the us are only inhabitable the way they are because of large engineering projects. The southeastern US was a swamp where you could catch malaria and die (a lot of Africa was the same), and a lot of the southwest was uninhabitable desert. The rocky mountains were conquered with blood building transportation networks that would have been unthinkable in previous eras. They managed to get water to dry areas and drain water from wet areas, and build transportation networks to remote areas that supply goods for regions that are productive today but wouldn’t be without trade.

If you head into some of the more historic regions and look around, you really have to go “why the hell would people leave the relative comfort of Europe during the enlightenment for a frozen hellscape in the bush?”

In that case we can agree.

My friends own small trucks, but they need to maintain trucks built in the 80s because nobody makes small trucks anymore, it’s really annoying.

It has had the most histrionic wildfire season ever this year, that’s for sure.

Forest fires are part of the natural lifecycle of a forest. They’re so normal that many plants require them to grow. The seeds sit there sealed up until a forest fire comes through. Lots of fires don’t really mean much to the Inhabitability of the place other than it’s warmer and drier, but far warmer far drier places than northern Canada are happily populated and have been for millennia.

Permafrost melts, leaves behind muskeg, which is a known quantity. Very common, not the end of the world. Even so, much of the country isnt permafrost, it’s just cold – so if it gets less cold it gets more inhabitable. Unlike 95% of Canadians, I’ve actually lived in those places.

Humans thrive in all kinds of places that should be inhospitable. The United States was almost entirely uninhabitable when the colonists arrived, and through engineering made it into a place people happily live from coast to coast.

The whole point of the video is that you can’t buy a small truck anymore because the bigger trucks are the only ones that are practically allowed under current legislation.

I quit when I realized how pozzed it was. Just post an unpopular opinion and -9001 downvotes.

What’s the point of a discussion site you can’t discuss a thing on?

Hell, I’ll admit I’m wrong on stuff, but being downvoted to hell doesn’t prove you’re wrong, only that you’re unpopular. Unlike these trendsters, I’m used to being unpopular, it doesn’t really affect me.

Unlike bald men’s heads or ground up shark penis

Many IT jobs don’t require coding. A friend of mine got magna cum laude in computer science and couldn’t code a line. He ended up getting a bunch of high end network admin jobs at increasingly impressive institutions and now he’s got a doctorate and he’s a professor (and still doesn’t really know how to code)

Seems to me like for the cost of a year or two of Disney+ you could own everything worth seeing on there and stop having to ask permission each month.

Canada, the most southern parts of South America, and a good chunk of Eurasia are big winners in that regard.

Ironically, forcing everyone to do work for you for free has a name.


Why should an aristocracy of business owners get the privilege of owning a practical vehicle?

“Penis goes in the vag, but penis also goes in the mouth” l-l-l-lifehack!!!

“The belief is that the head of a bald man contains gold,”


I ended up on mewe for a while after Kik got shut down but ultimately it wasn’t for me.

Do your best, bud!

I’ve fought my entire life to stay in reasonable shape (Not always entirely successfully), and it isn’t easy. Our bodies contain memories of famines, and so have methods to survive past crises that maybe aren’t so useful today.

Even if it’s difficult – in fact, especially if it’s difficult – virtue is still virtuous.

What’s the problem? It’s just a clump of cells!

(I know I just have to accept that leftists are racist cultists, but what does this post have specifically to do with white people?)