• 54 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 27, 2022

cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/726194 > Several clients of the Cruise robotaxi startup told the San Francisco Standard that engaging in sexual behavior while traveling inside the tech company’s autonomous taxis has grown increasingly popular in the city, and that they themselves have also taken part in such behavior.

Will We Sacrifice DC and New York For Taiwan?
Sounds like a good trade, throw in San Francisco while you are at it. It would help rid us of: - Big Tech censorship and surveillance - Main stream media propaganda - Corrupt politicians - Government gangsters. What's not to like.

I appreciate everything you do to help spread the word.

I have 2



I don’t waste my time engaging with tyrannical crap.

They all know users can block communities the user does not want to see, but they do not want to give the user that power.

Because their real motivation is to stop other people seeing Exploding Heads content.

So I just went through all the communities on their site so I could see which of our communities are federating across and causing them grief. About 35 of our communities federate across and these only federate across because their users have specifically requested them to. of those 35, 2 or 3 contain controversial content that their users could individually decide to block if it offended them.

Interestingly the also have known child porn communities federating across to their site (not from Exploding Heads) which they seem quite ok about.

So I think the fact they federate with those child porn communities expose the real motivation behind this defederation effort - to censor political views they do not agree with.

Users can block communities (on any instance) they don’t like.

Is it a side effect of the drugs they are been given.

Anheuser-Busch Now Being Forced To Sell Off Several Beer Brands
Ever since the Dylan Mulvaney disaster, we’ve seen Anheuser-Busch and their brands (in particular Bud Light and Budweiser) utterly collapse, and over time, things have only gotten worse. Well, this is another one of those times, as A-B is actually being forced to sell their beer brands. God, I find that hilarious. And the fact they’re selling these brands to a cannabis company?


I don’t want my beliefs confirmed, I want them challenged so I can consider counter arguments and refine my beliefs as required

The Algorithm
The algorithm learns your political biases and feeds you self-validating social media posts to assist you in confirming them. The algorithm listens to your conversations and presents you with helpful advertising to assist you in achieving your maximum consumer potential. Don’t cover your laptop camera like some weird conspiracy theorist, the algorithm is trying to watch you masturbate. The algorithm is always a step ahead of you. You have never once fooled the algorithm. The algorithm knows you act confident but secretly you fear you’re inadequate and everyone hates you. The algorithm knows that those times you quickly pause and screw your eyes shut are because you remembered something embarrassing that you did in the past. It’s okay. Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with the algorithm. It’s a private little secret just between you and the algorithm and the NSA.

When you launch a token on a decentralized exchange like Uniswap, Sushiswap, etc. you need to deposit an equal amount of ETH and the token you are launching.

The initial value of the token is the amount of ETH divided by the number of tokens you are launching divided.

A successful token launch requires money to be spent on development, marketing, community building, as well as the ETH to deposit into the decentralized exchange to launch the token.

Like most startups in any business, people launching tokens often do not have all the capital they need to do all the things they want to do to make their token launch successful.

So X7 has a Decentralized exchange called Xchange which allows them to lend you ETH by depositing it against the tokens you are launching so you do not have to. But the trick is, only X7 can withdraw the ETH so if you default they can easily get their ETH back.

Most of the tokens being launched have a transaction tax that builds up reserves over time to allow the X7 loan to be repaid.

It is a very specific lending case meeting a very specific need for people launching tokens, but if successful will I can see it expanding to meet other needs.

A loving family is the greatest thing that will ever happen to you.

It is also the greatest legacy you will leave behind on this earth.

Be patient, be nice, make yourself a better person, and good thing eventually happen.

I remember in the early days of the internet my nephew was born with a rare genetic disease and I was able to reach out directly to the world’s leading researcher in that disease - and he answered within a few hours.

That was the day I knee there might be something to this internet thing.

We have a community set up for bitcoin https://exploding-heads.com/c/cryptobitcoin

Love to get some more discussion going on it.

Also we have a bunch of other crypto communities all starting with the prefix “crypto” if you want to search the community list

Crypto will be a replacement for banks. Here is just one example of what is coming:

https://x7.finance/ provides loans to people launching tokens which:

  • free up capital for them to invest in other parts of their business
  • provides higher levels of liquidity for investors and makes it easier to attract larger investors
  • helps the startup achieve a higher valuation at launch.

These loans:

  • are permissionless - there is no approval process. You just say you want one
  • you do not need to pledge security i.e. give a second mortgage on your house.
  • they are under collateralized

As time goes by these loans will become available for other purposes.

As far as pooling of investments (deposits), X7 allows you to do that and so do lots of other crypto projects.

Most people hear crypto and think currencies, but they provide the means to build significant businesses that I believe on day will replace many traditional businesses.

The instance owner can turn off down votes. It is a check box in settings

cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/539305 > We study how heterosexual men and women value brains (as measured by educational attainment levels) and beauty (as measured by facial attractiveness ratings) in a partner.

We already sit behind the Akami DDOS prevention system. I do not think cloudflare would be any more effective.

When I look at the server - I am seeing the same behavior I saw when the big Lemmy instances started upgrading to v18. And these recent problems started when they started upgrading to release candidates for v18.3 - So I think this is a Lemmy federation problem not DDOS attacks.

We have plenty of bandwidth - do not even coming close to using it all. When we have these problems I am seeing spikes in CPU usage (normally 10% but spikes to 150% when we see these issues) and Disk I/O.

We plan upgrading the version of Lemmy we are running this weekend to see if that makes a difference.

A good Linux community would be great.

If stuff is off topic, then say so and remove it. I do not think that is unreasonable.

I think you will find we have a pretty good crew here with an occasional troll to be dealt with.

We are still at the early stages of looking at Nostr, I would not hold back on account of that.

When you set up your own community, you become the moderator and define the rules in the community. You can add other moderators as you see fit.

At an instance level, I just monitor the reports that come in and make sure sure there is no child porn, etc.

Be smart about the subject lines that appear in the local feed as they effect the whole instance.

I would welcome you to set up and if any problems crop up we will deal with them then.

But you seen how we operate here. We try to censor as little as possible.

I cannot even remember who the people were now.

One of the communities was discussing gender stuff. I can’t remember the others, but I am sure you saw them mentioned if you followed the defederation debates on some of the other instances.

I got sucker punched by a few. Here is what happened.

I get a message from someone on a different instance saying they are setting up a community with similar interests to one I currently moderate. They ask if I can help get their community going by posting some of the things I currently post, which trying to be helpful I do.

Within a week or two, they are using those posts as an excuse for defederation because we are invading their instance.

I have learnt my lesson. Will not be so helpful in the future.

Let me know as I cross post a lot of URLs - sort of using communities like tags.

But if it is appearing multiple times to logged in users, I will need to change my approach.


For me as long as there is a URL to link on, they only appear once.

If there is no URL, then it will appear multiple times. That is a Lemmy thing I have no control over.

Is it working differently for you?

It you are logged into Exploding Heads they appear as a single post

We are defederated from lemmy.juggler.jp till we find out what is going on.

I can see a lot of their users are being blocked by other instances.

Thanks for the heads up.

Yes I care about ecological friendliness, sustainability, and making the physical world a more survivable space as well

I just had a look at the posts they referenced.

Sadly I think it all comes down to politics. If those memes etc were about conservatives or conservative causes - I do not think they would have had a problem with them.

They mostly came from the same community - they could have easily just blocked that community - either as individual users or as an instance - but they chose to go the extreme censorship route.

I would just say be mindful when you post - your post can have consequences for all Exploding Heads users - good and bad.

cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/149168 > Drink up to save the wine industry

This is just like January 6th - NOT
cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/143389 > As the coup continues, here's the latest updates from our various sources live on the ongoing Twitter Space: > > - Worries of the Russian Nuclear Warheads moved to Belarus weeks ago > > - Wagner forces continue their advance to Moscow with limited strikes by the Russian Air Force > > - Reports of Putin and other officials leaving Moscow and heading to Saint Petersburg based on the movement of Military VIP aircrafts. TASS, which is Gov controlled media outlet, reported that Putin is heading to Saint Petersburg, but Putin's Press Secretary refuted those reports. It is very unusual and rare to see such a disconnect between TASS and the Kremlin. > > MY THOUGHTS: > > - This is a military coup, we can no longer dispute this, and things are moving VERY rapidly and are not looking good for Putin. > > - We are seeing limited military clashes, showing likely defections among Russian forces > > - Almost EVERYTHING right now can't be verified and should be taken with a grain of salt

cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/139663 > The Gateway Pundit reported last week that the hit song reached number one on iTunes and number 3 on Amazon Music!

What your breast size says about your health
Seems like conservative women from Norway are the winning combination

I have blocked that instance from Exploding Heads.

It is only only instance blocked and I trust you understand why.

And they are bringing a diversity of opinions to Exploding Heads which is a big plus.

When the government willy-nilly orders a wage increase like this one, the results can be chaotic. Obviously, to cover this 300 percent jump in labor costs, the customers will end up paying a lot more for their food. Where else will the money come from?

Ah, but once those food costs go up, fewer people will purchase this food, which hurts everyone, including the delivery drivers. After all, you can’t make $20 an hour without a job. My math could be off, but I’m pretty sure $7.09 an hour is better than no dollars an hour.

One of the benefits of the upgrade

And the cling to power like grim death - just look at the age of a lot of the USA Senators.

Just not willing to give the younger generation a fair go.

Alice, sorry we were down for an upgrade.

All should be good now - enjoy

At publishing time, Robin Gurfneld's husband had spent a half hour explaining the plot of the movie they had just watched only to realize she was on her phone again.

Can some of you post comments to this article suggesting Exploding Heads as a conservative alternative to Redfit. Might bring us more users

Modelo Especial dethrones Bud Light as America’s NUMBER ONE selling beer after 22 years: Sales up 15
Meanwhile, the company's other top competitors saw an increase in sales as beer drinkers switched brands. Coors Light went up 26.3 percent, while Miller Lite went up 23.1 percent and Yuengling saw the biggest increase at 36.3 percent.

cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/91715 > This is the best interview I have seen on the Biden Crime Family and Hunter Biden Laptop. > > - coverup is to protect uniparty - not just Democrats. More Republicans signed the letter by 51 Intel agents then Democrats. > - emails implicate both Democrats and Republicans > - examples of human trafficking and prostitution with specific federal and state laws broken. Why aren't state officials prosecuting Hunter Biden? It is not just a coverup by the Federal Government > - specific examples where foreign lobbying laws were broken > > This interview appeared on Australian TV. What does that say about the bias and corruption of USA media. > > The video is on YouTube, so watch it before they censor it.

Version of Lemmy run on Exploding Heads
There has been some questions about this, do I thought I would answer in one place. We currently run v16.7 I spent a lot of time over the course of a month trying to upgrade not long after v17 came out. I reached out to Lemmy devs for help as I was bumping into problems (upgrades usually run very smoothly for me), but let's just say they were less then helpful. I will have time in July and will try again.

Lawyers are such hypocrites. The old firm allowed this to go on (probably more people at the old firm engaged in it - speaks to their culture) and only blew the whistle to try and kill the new firm in the crib.

[@Wigglehard@exploding-heads.com](https://exploding-heads.com/u/Wigglehard) here is a song for your next party night

The symbol itself dates back to prehistoric times. The word "swastika" has Sanskrit roots and means "the mark of well being." It has been used in Hindu prayers, carved into the Jains' emblem, marked Buddhist temple locations, and represented the four elements for Zoroastrians. The symbol is ubiquitous in India today. It also has been found in the Roman catacombs as well as various places in Greece, Iran, Ethiopia, Spain and Ukraine. The symbol was revived during the 19th century excavations in the ancient city of Troy by a German archaeologist, who connected it to Aryan culture. Historians believe this is what made it appealing to the Nazi Party, which adopted it in 1920. In North America, in the early 20th century, swastikas made their way into architectural features, military insignia and team logos. Coca-Cola issued a swastika pendant. The Boy Scouts awarded badges with the symbol until 1940.

One of our community members pointed out early on beer had fairly short expiry dates. Good call

In the video, one employee of Anheuser-Busch explains, “we’re still 40 percent women, and 60 percent men, still predominantly white: so there’s still work to be done.” The “work” to be “done” is apparently replacing white male workers with alternatives.

I have set up an Exploding Heads account on Nostr because: - it is censorship resistant - highly decentralized - let's you own your own identity - not tied to one server The public key is npub1qprptnnuwnqc6h6wxc2q07rfwcmj7cfc6g4r5dgnlkxaysmpr0mqc5365p If you are on Nostr, please reply so we can follow you. Would appreciate it if you will follow the Exploding Heads account. I would like your help to enlarge the Exploding Heads community by building a following on Nostr

“Things can’t be going great if they’re basically giving it away,” Twitter user Ed Latimore wrote. “You’re making two cents profit per case when you buy Bud Light,” another Twitter user observed. “And there’s still plenty on the shelf. They can’t even give people money to take it off their hands!”

“Moreover, there continues to be contagion to the wider ABInBev brand portfolio, with Budweiser, Busch and Michelob all weak,” while competitors like Coors Light “continue to see share gains accelerate,” Hales says. The latest data show “little sign that consumers are moving on from the Bud Light controversy.”

The CEO told the paper that his company would continue to support LGBT organizations