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Honestly I only found this place because of all the fuss. Would have preferred to use one instance for everything but the divide is only growing these days. I suppose it is what it is.

Created an account here specifically cause of the announcement too. Seems like a lot of these servers are increasingly becoming echo chambers for the far left.

Right, it does hurt everyone when they defederate.

But what can we do?

People are going to do that.

Just post in good faith and let’s enjoy our own instance and try to grow it. Maybe something will change in the future.

its so funny this happens every time when sensitive people who should not be on the internet in the first place cant handle words.

Dude first came to my room, started complaining, i think he even sent me a message first, what an asshole

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oof I kinda want a free speech instance I could care less if they all defederate, hopefully one or a few will open soon

these people would defederate anyway there’s no real appeasing them unless you’re hyperbolically to the left of bernie

let them shrivel and die in their echo chamber, never bend the knee to their struggle sessions

activity pub is a bad and flawed protocol

Do you think is an echo chamber? It seems like an absolute free speech haven would attract people banned from everywhere else, bringing togethe extreme viewpoints without any moderate or opposing views, causing an echo chamber

I’m a pretty moderate person and I am here. The problem is that even holding classic liberal views can still be considered racist, transphobic, or whatever other ism. On most of these communities if you question anything that goes against a far-left view you get banned/deleted. That’s why I sought out a place like this. I want to be able to question and discuss things without being censored for it. I’ve found the majority of popular communities are all openly leftist in nature.

Depends what you use as your scale of left and right. And that left right sliding scale isn’t terribly useful either. How far left you view something is more relative to your own position rather than absolute. There are a lot of places that accept genuine discussion, just not bad faith arguments and particularly vile speech. What were you trying to say that got shut down?

I’d say as of recently the scales have heavily shifted. The meme that got spread around from Elon Musk I think highlights well what I am talking about when it comes to this shift: . I would say that like this meme is showing I was on the left in 2008, but now that same kind of thinking would now often get viewed as being on the right even though my views have never really changed.

I support abortion and this would probably get me considered on the left. But I also strongly support people having the right to own weapons for self-defense. This opinion would in many communities give me the label of being on the right. Hell in many communities on reddit I may even get banned or have my comments deleted by saying something “pro-gun”. Simply being in favour of a more open dialogue that entails more “free-speech” and less censorship somehow also gets you considered a “nazi”. I see those very comments on the community you are coming from calling places that support free speech a haven for “racists”.

The opinion that is most likely to get me banned/removed from places is any opinion that goes against any PRIDE related content. In my opinion it’s not even that extreme of a view. I have no problem with people who are gay, lesbian, etc… I also have no problem with people who would like to change their gender. The only problems I have are when this begins being pushed onto kids. And it’s not even specifically because I have a problem with people wanting to change their gender, it’s simply because I know the science indicates people aren’t good at making long term decisions until they are onto often their mid 20’s. And I know there are many people who regret having such surgeries at such young ages. I particularly do not support that parents can lose the say in these regards despite a child not even being 18 let alone 16. But that’s my opinion and it’s a pretty firm one in all regards. I don’t even think people under the age of 18 should be doing things like getting tattoos. But the problem is that I’m labelled transphobic because of opinions like these. Even though it’s the opinion held by the majority and is honestly a fairly rational one. It’s not even discriminatory or attacking anyone specifically, it’s just an opinion regarding a person’s competency to make long-term life-altering decisions at young ages. Yet for some reason it can get you labelled things, banned, and censored away.

It’s for reasons like that why I need to come to platforms like this. Because I want to feel safe sharing an opinion that doesn’t align with the cult/tribe of many online worlds without getting banned for it.

Yes totally let them shrivel and die in their well-populated instances with loads of user interaction!

People are gonna catch on eventually.

Catch on to what? Yes I’m sure racism and homophobia will be back in style shortly! Don’t give up!

Catch on to the fact that censorship reigns supreme on Speaking of which, my dude, there are dozens of lemmy instances where people can blow smoke up your ass nonstop, why do you have to come on this one?

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“decency is for pussies!”, probably.

Yes the people on other instances are the problem, surely not you guys.

As I said I’m here like I would visit a Zoo. throws some peanuts


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You can’t block instances on a user level presently.

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When I was first taught about using the internet for school research back in the late 90s, they told us to not believe everything we read because anyone can publish whatever they want. It was an accepted fact and you were taught how to do your own research. The early internet was the wild west. Nowadays people act like misinformation online is a new thing and they want site moderators and even the government to censor anything deemed misinformation, AKA anything that goes against their opinions.

Its crazy how things changed in the last 10-15 years. This old College Humor video is an interesting look back at the flame war comment sections of the late 2000s It used to be that we didn’t take stuff so seriously online, even on Reddit back in the day you could call OP a fag and not get banned. It seems these days the people who call themselves tolerant are the most intolerant. I thought Lemmy world and similar sites were going to be more like the early days of Reddit, but its clearly turning into current Reddit. If these people want heavy censorship and mods that close threads because people can’t “behave”, why don’t they just go back to Reddit.

I remember watching that CollegeHumor video back in the day. Damn, I miss that era of the internet. Everyone just saying whatever retarded shit they wanted without a care in the world.

thanks for the video link! That song is hilarious. I totaly agree I had the same thought that we might get less censorship but it seems worse on most instances. For people that claim to hate intolerance they shure are pretty damn intolerant of opposing views.

No it’s actually how most non-americans look at you right-wing nuts in the States. And then you still think it can’t be about you guys being racist, homophobic and calling people slurs. “No it must be political oppression, damn leftists”.

Your brain so smooth you can’t get hurt, everything just slides off.


You always go straight to genuine butthurt insults don’t you? It’s all you have because your arguments are so weak.

It’s funny that this entire shithole is like 5 of you


I’d rather have a few decent mates than a whole gaggle of cocksuckers who probably all film content for their wives only fans accounts.

Yes “you’d rather” but you’re still a sad little person with hateful thoughts. Trying to make yourself feel better that “You dont need other people” because they are all cucks and cocksuckers anyway. Keep telling yourself


What are you talking about you weirdo? 😂

Sucks to suck doesn’t it


I just had a look at the posts they referenced.

Sadly I think it all comes down to politics. If those memes etc were about conservatives or conservative causes - I do not think they would have had a problem with them.

They mostly came from the same community - they could have easily just blocked that community - either as individual users or as an instance - but they chose to go the extreme censorship route.

I would just say be mindful when you post - your post can have consequences for all Exploding Heads users - good and bad.

Yes totally about politics. Not about how everyone in the world looks at you MAGA/left-wing crowd like a bunch of clowns. There’s more to the world than the States and here in Europe we don’t want to deal with you guys. Get some like-minded instances you can link up with and we’ll do the same. We don’t need to interact with you. Oh no nobody wants to federate with you? Wonder why. Not the blatant racism and generaly dumbfuckery no it’s politics for suuure.

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i came here because of the drama i don’t want anything to do with the servers full of censorious communazis

Only normal nazis right? You came to the right place brother.

the “nazis” so-called by the communazis, yes. those people, aka normal people, are by and large, fine

No, what you call communazi’s are are people with common sense and decency. And Nazis are just fucking nazis. these are your people

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Response? I AM EUROPEAN. What the fuck does asking not to be a racist, bigot and/or homophobe has to do with any of this? And again, you wonder why nobody in the rest of the world wants to deal with you people because you’re injecting your fox news talking points into every discussion and honestly it’s tiring. I’m here now because of my own free will dealing with you but THIS IS THE REASON WHY YOU GUYS ARE BLOCKED AND IGNORED.

It’s bam-bam-bam one bullshit theory after another and it takes a shitload more effort to respond to any of those claims than it is to make them.

So again I am here out of my own free will so I’ll reply to some of those things. I’ll just take the first three!

libruls kicked us out of social media

Who runs Twitter? Elon Mush who would love to be the republican candidate to become president if it wasn’t for his parents being south-african mine owners.

force inject us the vaccine

This is not even a discussion for me. The anti-vax crowd are dumb as fuck. Vaccines help. Are you not vaccinated against measels? Or polio? No there is a global conspiracy and all doctors in the world are working together to kill people. Trump said so. Get some ivermectin that works just as well! Funny how all those republicans who were using the entire vaccine discussion as a weapon turned out to be vaccinated themselves because they knew they were spewing shit.

Ukraine is a proxy war

Nice russian talking point, got this one from Fox or from Putin himself? Nevermind that every country that borders with Russia (except puppet-state Belarus) doesn’t want anything to do with Russia. Russia is a bullying ex to those countries they used to form the USSR with. And on Ukraine specifically, have you been there? Because I have colleagues right here that come from there. They had to flee from Crimea when Russia went “this is mine”. And now you think the Ukrainians would roll over and take it a second time?

So here we are talking about your fox news talking points… Just to deflect the fact that you’re running a site with nazi scum

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I really wish there was a shitposting instance completely free of censorship other than anything that breaks the law.

same hopefully there will be eventually I’m sure lots of people would like it

no because most people are decent people who despise the kind of things that are being said here. It’s never going to be “mainstream”. It’s never going to be cool to be a hater. You’re always going to be sad little losers in your internet bubble blaming everyone and everything else

most people are decent people who despise the kind of things that are being said here

tbh I think posters are being tame here, and there are perhaps a majority of people who agree with things being posted here

the views are pretty mainstream and liked

never going to be cool to be a hater

well, the other side very much seems to hate us or our values at times so I think “hate” seems to be pretty popular, it’s just a debate about what to “hate”

sad little losers in your internet bubble

we are growing and were here before this current reddit influx, the redditors aren’t even our core / target group so I am not surprised if few have joined the instance

if a minority, there has frequently been a correct minority against an incorrect majority

Now are there specifics you would like to debate or discuss that you disagree with? Might be good for another post if so. I think a lot of posters are willing to be accommodating to opposite views and to find possible bipartisan solutions to problems.

For example, abortion takes an innocent life so should be criminalized (something perhaps you disagree with?) but there has been a proposed solution of “evacuationism” which would allow a pregnancy to be transferred to another womb. We could also talk about making adoption services more accessible. These would be solutions that would make the issue less burdensome to those who may not agree with the policy that seems to be correct on this topic.

We are good neighbours. I dont see the issues. Lemmy world admins are bullied by their community into choices and thats completely up to them. If they want to be like a budget version of Beehaw we cant stop them. I also think that the people that dont want to deal with the influx of easily triggered people find their way here.

But yes they are kinda gay for doing this

Nothing wrong with being gay! Being racists, bigots and homophobes on the other hand… But keep showing your true colors and then wonder why every instance with admins with half a brain are defederating from you.

And your retort to “better keep our real nasty shit on alt accounts” is chefs kiss

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Yes being born in the eighties, it was like that back in my day too. But than you meet people who are gay, who are good normal people trying to simply fucking exist and are hurt when you use that word negatively. Then you realize that’s not right and that shouldn’t be used as a slur. Same with calling someone “retarded”.

The use or definition of words can change over time.

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Ever changing spectrum of what isn’t and is acceptable? Yes, you probably wish you could go back to the times when it was cool to call black people the n-word and they would high five you. “Personally I’m tired to be responsible for my actions and thoughtful for my fellow humans.”

And then “why did everyone defederate with us? don’t they like free speech?”

I know how to block instances. I have a clean account on other instances, don’t worry. I’m here like I would visit a zoo.

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Hihi if you react like this to someone calling something gay you must be a fat loser in real life. I bet you cant handle even the slightest of problems 🤗

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I see I forgot to add “fat shamer” to the list. You probably go through life wondering why everyone hates you when you don’t “even do anything wrong”.

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lol who fucking cares about lizzo. american much?

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It always irks you people really bad when someone has a job and a good life. Newsflash: Life isnt a Disney movie. Karma doesnt exist. 🤗

I have all of those things and more - like health insurance - here in “commie” Europe! What kind of comeback is that lmao. Oh wow he has a job. You know what, tell those people at your ‘job’ that you’re on this website and see how long you still have it.

Also pretty telling that even in your own bubble you guys can’t seem to get a single post above 20 votes. But sure keep your eyes closed, reality is a scary place.

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It’s when you dangle butt plugs in front of children we tend to get mad.

When has this ever happened?

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libsoftiktok that seems like a totally trustful and unbiased source. thanks mister magafarce

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a couple of times

Every group is going to have people who are inappropriate or take things too far. You can’t magnify those individuals

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Your entire reply shows how you think about gays lol. It’s only the “sexual” stuff - not just love between two people who happen to be men. Buttplugs can be used in heterosexual relationships too Maybe some day you’ll learn there’s more than missionary.

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I never brought up children. Notice how you bringing up “protect the children” is a method of concern trolling. As if the other side you are discussing with does not care about children or have morals. That’s why you guys should be defederated and ignored.

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